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Bayit Yehudi Leaders Divided in Jerusalem Election

bennAs was the case in the recent election for the nation’s chief rabbis, Bayit Yehudi leaders are not on the same page regarding the Jerusalem Municipality elections. Party leader Naftali Bennett is working towards the reelection of Mayor Nir Barkat while the party’s number two man, Uri Ariel, who represents the Tekuma faction, supports Barkat’s rival, Moshe Leon.

The two are not making an effort to hide their difference of opinion in the Jerusalem race, and have even met in the hope of reaching agreement but at present, the remain in support of opposing candidates in the mayoral race. One theory is that Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman’s support for Leon is what attracts Ariel most, for Ariel wants to see a strong right-wing mayor in position should the negotiations between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) lead to calls for additional land concessions chas v’sholom.

The third party minister, Uri Orbach, is aligned with Bennett and he too supports Barkat.

Analysts point out that Bennett “must” back Barkat for Shas leader Aryeh Deri is credited with arranging Leon’s candidacy and after Shas went head-to-head with Bayit Yehudi in the Chief Rabbinate elections, Bennett cannot openly support Shas’ candidate.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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