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Akunis Calls for Stricter Measures for Law Breakers

idfDeputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Ofir Akunis told Israel Radio on Sunday, 18 Tishrei 5774 that the time has come to get serious and take sterner action against Israelis who employ or assist PA (Palestinian Authority) residents illegally inside Green Line Israel.

The minister’s remarks were sparked by the murder of IDF soldier Sgt. Tomer Hazan HY”D, who was killed by a coworker, a PA resident who was employed illegally in the Bat Yam restaurant where the two worked.

Akunis stated that dealing with the PA illegals is not the issue, but the problem remains that Israelis are too willing to take the risk in return for inexpensive labor, aware that if they are caught not much will be done to them. Akunis wants a 500,000 NIS fine and/or a year in prison for Israeli citizens aiding and/or employing PA residents inside Green Line Israel illegally.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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