WATCH: Chareidi 13-Yr-Old Speaks Out, Her Father Speaks At The Knesset


The video of the Chareidi 13-year-old who was pounced upon by police officers on a Jerusalem street after momentarily removing her mask continues to cause a furor on Israeli media. The girl, Batya Getter, who apparently is an American-Israel, and her father, R’ Yehoshua Getter, were interviewed by Kan News on Tuesday and her father spoke at a Knesset committee on Wednesday.

The incident sparked outrage due to the fact that the policemen picked on a child and then persisted in issuing a fine despite seeing her obvious emotional distress and fear. Instead of speaking gently to a child who had to ask them what a “doch” (report or ticket) was when they told her they were issuing one, they sternly told her that it meant her parents would have to pay a lot of money because she wasn’t wearing a mask and even threatened to take her to the police station later in the conversation.

The interviewer asked Batya if she feels safe returning to the street and she said: “Everyone saw it so everyone who passes looks at me.”

As the interviewer shows R’ Getter a video of the incident, he said: “It’s very difficult for me to see it. I see my daughter crying here Why does a 13-year-old girl need to cry?…I have no words.” He added that the night after the incident she was really traumatized, she was shaking. “She told me in English: ‘I’m still trembling.'”

A stormy discussion was held in at a meeting of the Constitution, Law and Justice Knesset Committee about the incident on Wednesday morning as part of a larger discussion on the behavior of the police in enforcing coronavirus regulations with minors and other vulnerable populations.

R’ Getter spoke at the meeting and complained about the way his daughter was treated. He emphasized that she only removed her mask for a minute but even if she wasn’t wearing a mask she shouldn’t have been threatened. He also mentioned that his daughter was with her younger siblings and who knows if his six-year-old was traumatized as well.

“A girl walking on the street should have a positive association with policemen,” R’ Getter said.  “They should be heroes for a 13-year-old. People called me from all over the world and said: ‘What’s going on over there?'”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. That last statement from the police is the biggest insult. They have no problem lying to the public even after everyone saw the video.

  2. דוח does not mean a fine. A קנס is a fine. A דוח is short for a דין וחשבון which means a ticket. That ticket, yes, has the outcome of a fine.

  3. Rabbi Getter-
    Welcome to Israel!
    Police are not our children’s friends. Kids (and adults) are scared of police.
    Maybe you and your daughter will accomplish something that I’ve been trying to drill into policemen.
    “Be nice Be kind Learn from policemen in America(the normal ones) Kids should know that police are there to help them.” I can’t get them to understand that. I hope they’ll listen to you and your daughter. Thank you!

  4. What’s going on? Israeli is fascist state that’s what’s going on. Never move there. Charedim time to leave. It’s an evil place.

  5. The Dad is fine being six inches away from the reporter, without a mask, while the reporter is chin masking.
    That encapsulates the problem. Dont whine about anti chareidi police descrimination brutality by the torah hating zionists, when you yourself ascribe no importance to the Torahs demand to use all tools at your disposal to protect your and your daughters health.

  6. The Chavrei Knesset are acting like worthless congressmen.

    These cops should be fired!!! Period!

    Cops are supposed to serve and protect not bully! This was a clear case of bullying an innocent child.

    Arab kids who throw deadly rocks are let go, or worse, the cops turn a blind eye 👁 , but G-d forbid a chareidi girl takes off her mask to drink and all hell breaks lose.

  7. To pleasestaycalm: that’s your answer all chariedim should leave the holy eretz yisroel?? keep you naturai karta garbage off ywn!

  8. Chareidi amiti, you are the problem! All you see is negative about chareidim.
    Your virulent hatred is so clear. Likely you live in Tel Aviv or Nahariya! Shame on you!

  9. The Israeli’s have taken the whole issue of masks way to far. There is no proof yet that wearing masks helps to keep the virus under control, proof being that the virus is OUT OF CONTROL in Israel

  10. Such a shame that we are losing sight of the tremendous message of the mageyfoh – that Hashem alone controls everything. Now we’re busy with police brutality, facemasks, people’s astonishing lack of adherence to Venishmartem, arguments as to what degree we should exercise caution etc. Ee talk about anything and everything except focusing on what Hashem wants from us. When will we learn? Raboisi! This is a really serious situation. …

  11. It all stems from vile Haaretz and the like, demonizing Charedim, for decades and now with opportunism at covid19. Also was shocking the inciting words a prominent Haaretz “thinker” said about Charedim and birth rate…appeared in Kan11 news, re Bnei-Brak, months ago.

  12. Chareidy Amiti – This interview is being conducted IN HIS OWN HOUSE. Do you put on a mask when someone walks into your house?

  13. Israel has become a fascist country. If masks work then why terrorize people? Let them make their own choices! No one is forcing you to teach your children to swim even though we lose kids to drowning every year.
    And if masks protect then why are many the police officers not wearing them?

  14. How can I send ywn videos of what’s going on in israel? We need to expose the way they are treating the chareidi communities (Tel Aviv is getting treated very differently)

  15. Yid26 not only should all charedim leave but no orthodox jews should spend a dime in israel. stay away. It’s a sick evil place.

  16. “The Israeli’s have taken the whole issue of masks way to far. ”

    Israel has taken it further than any country in the world. Why? Because it’s a police state. Always has been. Violence is the religion here. It’s a crazy, angry, violent, mad place. Not a democracy. Not a Jewish state. Not a Jewish anything. It is the opposite of Judaism.

  17. “They have no problem lying to the public even after everyone saw the video.”

    How do you know when an Israeli policeman is lying? His lips are moving.

  18. to mr chareidyi amiti ,shame on you! not because u’r a self hating chareidi does it mean that you have to post u’r stupid comments on ywn (btw its a chareidi web so y r u even looking at it????)

  19. not because u’r a self hating chareidi does it mean that you have to post u’r stupid comments on ywn (btw its a chareidi web so y r u even looking at it????)

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