REPORTS: Israeli Cyberattack Caused Explosion At Iranian Nuclear Site, F-35s Bombed Missile Site

Kuwaiti based newspaper Al-Jareeda reported that Israel was responsible for two blasts that occurred at Iranian facilities in the past week.

The newspaper, citing an unnamed senior source said that an Israeli cyberattack caused yesterday morning’s explosion at the largely underground Natanz nuclear enrichment facility.

In a more shocking part of the report, the newspaper reported that last Friday’s explosions at the Parchin military complex in the foothills of Tehran, were the result of Israeli F-35 bombardment – an operation that required no refueling, the newspaper reported.

Al-Jazeera reports that the aircraft took off from southern Israel and carried out the bombing run without the need to refuel.

Defense analysts believe the Parchin military complex holds an underground tunnel system and missile production facilities.

Israeli officials have neither confirmed nor denied these shocking reports.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Most likely based on Iranian speculation as to the most logical explanation. This assumes the US either couldn’t do this, or couldn’t keep it a secret.

  2. This news will upset Obama (yamach shmo) and his fellow Democrats and self-hating “Jews” who support them..

  3. To the Mods: This is not the first time that MoisheInGolus has referred to Jewish Democrats as “Jews”, as if I and many other Jews are not Jews. Is this sort of smear within the bounds of YWN’s permissible postings? Hashem knows who the Jews are, and MoisheInGolus clearly thinks he has a voice in deciding who is Jewish. This strikes me as utterly inappropriate for a frum or any other Jewish website.

  4. This was as always the case.
    Arab Islamic (militant or and nations) attackers target civilians, whereas Israel targets the arms, and if it can’t, then the armed.

    Sadly, the armed anti Israel attackers, are usually surrounded by human shields from its own population. The deliberate tactic which began especially since 1980 by Arafat.

  5. In a typical Marxist reaction huju wants to shut down voices and free speech on this forum he disagrees with. Most of Democrat “Jews” come from Reform and Conservative movements that historically has 70% of intermarriage and fake conversions. The rest 30% are probably Erav Rav or capos.

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