Prime Minister and Minister of Treasury Extend Unemployment and Stipends For Pensioners Until August


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Minister of the Treasury Yisrael Katz decided on Sunday to extend the eligibility of people laid off due to Covid-19 to receive unemployment until the middle of August. The extension also includes the stipends being offered to those over the age of 67 who will not be returning to work.

At the end of this term, the pair will revisit the issue and determine whether to extend the unemployment and stipends once again based on how the economy is doing at the time.

The decision was made in consultation with the Governor of the Bank of Israel and te head of the national economic council. It complies with the promise of this government to continue to aid and support the return to work, and support those who will not return to work due to the outfall of Coronavirus.

In order to have the issue passed quickly by the government, the Prime Minister and Finance Minister will be adding the law to a change in a pre-existing law of stipends for pensioners that is currently at the Knesset plenum for its second and third readings.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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