Kadima: Speaker Itzik as Temporary PM

In what is being perceived as a somewhat alarming scenario by some is an idea that Kadima Party officials are hoping will gain support, backing Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik as temporary prime minister, to fill in for Ehud Olmert should be compelled to resign in response to a criminal indictment against him.

According to the proponents of the idea, if Itzik is presented as the candidate to form an interim government to President Shimon Peres, she would enjoy the support of the Kadima, Labor and Shas parties, permitting a relatively painless transition until Kadima can hold primaries and elections can be held.

It appears that a clause in the Kadima charter is somewhat problematic. Anyone taking over for Olmert in the event he is compelled to step down would not be eligible to run in the next election.

This would compel any real candidate for the party leadership and ultimately the premiership to look for a suitable replacement that would permit him/her to then run as a contender to assume the leadership role.

Radio Kol Chai host Yedidyah Meir responded to the report quite bluntly, stating that it is enough that Itzik was Acting President and now Knesset Speaker, stating if she finds herself as Interim Prime Minister, he will forfeit his teudat zehut identity card in protest, stating there is a limit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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