YWN Eretz Yisrael Motzei Shabbos News Roundup – 5/24/08

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

•    A Kassam rocket fell near Nachal Oz at about 21:15 on motzei Shabbos. No injuries.

•    Terrorists fired an anti-tank rocket at IDF forces in Gaza on motzei Shabbos. No injuries.

•    A Kassam rocket attack was reported at about 21:00 motzei Shabbos. No injuries.

•    IDF targets rocket-launching terrorists in Gaza wounding at least two.

•    Over 400 dunam (100 acres) of forestry land burned in a Shabbos afternoon fire in the Har Meron area.

•    Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz says Israel should consider giving the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for a peace treaty, stating the Golan is not indispensable.

•    1 dead and 178 injured in weekend road accidents.

•    Veteran Labor MK Dr. Ephraim Sneh expected to announce his break from the party in a press statement on Sunday.

•    Israel reports Egyptian forces shot and wounded a Sudanese man trying to infiltrate into Israel. He was transported to an el-Arish area hospital.

•    American Prof. Norman Finkelstein was detained in the airport upon arrival Friday, questioned for hours by Shin Bet and deported.

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