Netanyahu Will Not Honor an Agreement Signed with Assad

netanyahu_bibi.jpgIn his scathing attack against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday, opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu accused Olmert of carefully timing his announcement regarding ongoing talks with Syria to divert attention away from his police investigation.

Netanyahu added that if elected prime minister, a Likud-run government will not honor any agreements signed by Olmert, who “no longer has a mandate from the people to conduct negotiations.”

The opposition leader also pointed out that the majority of the country opposes total or partial land concessions on the Golan Heights.

Responding to the opposition leader’s attack, members of the prime minister’s Kadima Party stated that someone like Netanyahu, who was investigated by police five times and was involved in unacceptable practices regarding political appointments, cannot preach morality to anyone.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. yes he can undo it. on basis of fraud, etc.

    it was goinhg to happened when he had to “enforce” the chevron letter from peres, but he decided not to.

  2. He was a willing seller at Wye. For the right price, Netanyahu was willing to give the Arabs whatever they wanted.

    There ain’t much differences between zionists.

  3. Perhaps a future P.M. Netanyahu will do what I did after getting married to the wrong person for the wrong reasons: use the hindsight to learn what not to do THIS time. As long as any political nation on the LAND honors any Being other than the One with Whom We are covenanted, to any degree, no leader of that nation can possibly avoid the inevitable consequences prescribed to us in record which are verified to be real and legitimate according thousands of years of real history. If we won’t use our hindsight as a People, what any P.M. does in the macro is going to be irrelevant.

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