Bill Demands National Referendum Ahead of Golan Withdrawal

A Knesset committee is working to present a bill that would compel a national referendum or elections ahead of agreeing to give away any portions of the Golan Heights. Interestingly, while a majority of the Knesset’s 120 lawmakers support the bill, the government remains opposed.

A similar law was passed a number of years ago, but in essence, it does not change reality since that law demands another Basic Law detailing how a referendum would be held to become relevant. The Basic Law has never become a reality, prompting legislators to move ahead with this law, which will not require a Basic Law to back it up.

The current bill is sponsored by Kadima MKs, from the same party as the prime minister, Avigdor Yitzchaki and Minister Ruchama Avraham-Balila.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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