Israel: 17,752 Cases, 291 Deaths, 257 New Cases Over Weekend, 4 Deaths

Knesset spokesperson

There are 17,752 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Israel as of Motzei Shabbos, a rise of 257 news cases since Thursday night. The number of active cases rose to 2,407 of whom 21 are ventilated. The death toll has risen to 295.

A record number of 16,160 Israelis were tested for the coronavirus on Friday – the largest number to be tested in one day since the beginning of the outbreak.

The Achuzat Eyal nursing home in Ohr Yehuda was the source of nine of the new virus cases, including six residents and three staff members.

After a staff member at the nursing home was diagnosed with the virus at the beginning of the week, the other staff members and residents were immediately tested. The results were all initially negative but follow-up testing at the end of the week showed seven positive results.

The cases in the nursing home were diagnosed quickly and efficiently due to the Magen Avot V’Imahot program, formulated by Prof. Ronni Gamzu, the Director-General of Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv and former Director-General of the Health Ministry, who was appointed by the health ministry to oversee coronavirus management in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

The program, which is now being managed by Prof. Nimrod Maimon, oversees the testing of staff members and residents of nursing homes and senior living facilities on a regular basis, with about 3,000 staff members and residents being tested daily.

Thousands of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv on Motzei Shabbos to protest the government’s plan to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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