What Did The Posek Say Regarding Natural Medicine For Emotional Issues?

Hagaon Harav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi (Credit: Yaakov Cohen)

Hagaon Rav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi, one of the most chashuve Sefardi poskim in Israel, was asked by one of his students whether to send someone who suffers from emotional problems to an alternative practitioner. The Rav did not mince words in his reply to the shaila and what he thought about the question itself.

The student wrote in his letter: “Many people suffer from fears and worries in our generation and unfortunately, family doctors prescribe harmful pills. Today there are natural healers.”

Rav Mutzafi responded: “I don’t know from where you’re taking this resonsiblity on your shoulders – the refuah of patients with issues that can lead to sakanas nefashos and even to loss of life. With ‘kalus da’as’ and foolishness you give over a ‘cure’ without being aware of its results.”

“The Ramban, z’l, said on ‘The best of doctors [are destined] for Gehinnom’ that a good doctor doesn’t become a doctor until he gains experience with patients whom he caused their death, and this is exactly what you’re requesting.”

The Rav answered another shaila on emotional issues with the same directness.

“I’m turning to you regarding my sister who experiences fears and thoughts which prevent her from sleeping,” the person wrote. “She has terrible nightmares and is very frightened. What can be done? Is there a tikkun that can be carried out through the Rav?”

“Don’t look for “tikkunim,” Rav Motzafi responded decisively, ” and don’t occupy yourself with ‘hevelim.’ Go immediately to a doctor today before the situation gets worse.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Is Hagaon Rav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi the only posek that Yeshiva World wants us to follow?
    There are many opinions about different types of alternative medicine.
    R’ Avigdor Miller suggested writing down blessings in your life as alternative to antidepressants.

  2. The Gaon is correct. There is precious little reliable research on any of these “natural cures”. No one says that medications have no side effects. But there is at least an accumulation of experience and study. It is anecdotal that the Yam Suf split, and that waters all around the world did so, too. Does that mean one shouldn’t try crossing a river because they might fall into an abyss in the middle? One cannot use anecdote to reach conclusions about other situations. It’s irresponsible. It would be wonderful if we had proven cures that are natural, but we don’t.

    By the way, there are a good many of these “natural” products that have side effects just like the pharmaceuticals. But these alternative health practitioners will not disclose that information.

    Lastly, pharmaceutical products are regulated, and contain exactly what the packaging states. Who, or what regulatory body does so with these “natural” products? Consumer Reports studied this years ago, and found little to no correlation with the labels and the products contained. Has anything changed? If yes, which direction, and how do we know?

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