Olmert Operating Behind Livni’s Back

The intensive talks carried out by senior advisors to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Shalom Turjeman and Yoram Turbowitz have been taking place behind Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni’s back, signaling the growing tensions between the two senior government ministers.

While Livni has been aware contacts between Syria and Israel were taking place with the assistance of Turkey, she was not informed regarding the intensity of the talks and the brisk pace at which they are moving ahead.

The foreign minister has been busying herself with talks with the Palestine Authority.

According to reports, the prime minister updated Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday, but his foreign minister was only informed of the big picture shortly before he made his public announcement on Wednesday, revealing the reality that Israel and Syria are moving ahead in negotiations. The explanation given is that when Barak was updated, Livni was attending the economic conference in Sharm el-Sheikh.

When senior aides to Livni were asked if the prime minister updated her regarding details on the ongoing talks, they responded “ask the prime minister’s staff for details.” The foreign minister’s staff released a benign yet curt response, “Minister Livni always supports peace with our neighbors.”

The talks taking place with Syria were only known to a few, close aides to Olmert whom are involved. Even Israel’s ambassador to Turkey was kept in the dark. Ambassador Gabi Levi and the Israeli Consul General in Turkey, Moti Amichai, were not informed when Turbowitz made a number of secret trips turkey to conduct negotiations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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