Olmert, a Noble Statesman

In one of his latest statements, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated, “Negotiations towards peace with Syria are more important that rumors and investigations.”

Olmert is quoted by Yediot Achronot as saying the renewed talks towards achieving peace agreement with Syria, talks that were broken off some eight years ago, are of paramount importance. The same holds true with the PA.

Olmert lashed out at the right-wing, stating every time a prime minister mentions the word “Shalom” he is attacked by the political right.

Earlier in the day, the prime minister told participants in a Tel Aviv seminar that he is not under any illusions and is well-aware the talks will be difficult and possibly lengthy, and at the end of the day, they will demand difficult concessions.

The prime minister stated that after conferring with political and security experts, he has reached the realization that the possibility of peace is greater than the risks involved, prompting him to move forward.

Olmert added “it is always better to talk than to shoot, and both sides have decided to talk.” He thanked Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his efforts as an intermediary during the past year.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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