Eitam: Olmert May Not Engage in Talks with Syria

As the government once again launches the media spin of talks with Syria and the growing possibility of reaching a deal with Syria, the nation begins discussing giving away the Golan Heights in a possible peace agreement between Jerusalem and Damascus.

MK Effie Eitam, a Golan Heights resident and a retired IDF brigadier-general told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Thursday morning that from his perspective, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not authorized to conduct such talks, talks which Eitam believes are intended to deflect the spotlight off of the prime minister and the police investigation against him.

Eitam stated it is known that most of the country opposes any withdrawal from the Golan Heights, adding such a move by Israel would result in bringing Iran into the Golan.

Regarding Syria and Bashar al-Assad’s gestures towards peace, Eitam stated Damascus still remains an integral member of the ‘axis of evil’ and still plays a pivotal role in supporting Hizbullah/Iranian interests which focus on the destruction of Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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