Nachal Chareidi Moving to Jenin District

nachal chareidi1.jpgThe IDF’s Netzach Yehuda Battalion, known as Nachal Yehuda, is going to be moving into the Jenin area, the first time the unit will be patrolling an area out of the Jordan Valley.

Since its existence, the unit has been responsible for the Jordan Valley but military officials agree the Nachal Chareidi soldiers have proven themselves and have shown an ability to take on other assignments, capable of providing the same professional military service as other combat infantry units.

As soon as the soldiers complete their training exercise in the north [reported HERE on YWN], they will be deployed in the Jenin area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Recently I noticed something strange here in the U.S.: A brochure requesting “Tzedakah” contributions to the Nachal Charedi battalion.

    As one who has been increasing contributions to Yeshivos and poor people in Israel — who desperately need our help because of severe cuts in Israeli government funding — I find this tactic by the Olmert (cash envelope) clique a very unfortunate attempt to divert our money away from those who really need and deserve it.

  2. #4 not sure what you are getting at
    Several brigades of IDF soldiers have gathered donations for military vests, night vision goggles, proper hosiery etc. to perform their jobs. The cuts to the military in Israel has been close to the yeshiva cuts, so tzedakah is needed by all for all. Just keep giving…

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