Syria: Israel Agrees to Withdraw to Pre-1967 Borders

assad.jpgSyrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem on Wednesday released a statement that Israel has agreed to withdraw to pre-1967 borders, which would include a total withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

Talks between Yerushalayim and Damascus have been ongoing via Turkey, acting as an intermediary. In Israel, the Prime Minister’s Office released a statement confirming that dialogue between Israel and Syria was ongoing, via Turkey.

Aides to the prime minister indicated talks are based on the 1991 Madrid Conference and they do not recall any mention of Israel ceding the Golan Heights.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. For all the Bush-bashers, the lion of (State of) Zion(ism) himself, Mr. Ariel Sharon, may he have a refuah shileimah bimheirah, expelled Jews from Gaza. What makes you think any other Israeli politician can so better, and what chance is there of Israel actually holding on to these disputed territories it rightfully administers? Not much, judging by the “peace process” (of Israeli blood).

  2. #2 why such use of langusge oh i guess it makes sense since youre the town crier also what does “fartstunkiner” mean

  3. If true, this is a serious betrayal of the Druze of the Golan Heights who accepted Israeli citizenship and served proudly in the army. If their land ever goes back to Syria, they’re lives are in serious jeopardy.

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