Condition Of Nachal Chareidi Soldier Injured In Terror Attack In 2018 Deteriorates


Netanel Felber, a Nachal Chareidi soldier who was critically wounded in a shooting terror attack at the Givat Assaf junction in December 2018, has taken a turn for the worse following a skull construction surgical operation he underwent on Wednesday.

The terror attack killed two Nachal Chareidi soldiers, IDF Sergeant Yuval Mor-Yosef and Corporal Yosef Cohen, and left Felber with a near-fatal head injury. Felber, from an American-Israeli family in Ra’anana, remained in critical condition for some time, lying unconscious and wavering between life and death but he eventually regained consciousness and recovered from the initial injury.

He was then transferred to the Tel Hashomer rehabilitation hospital, where he has been ever since undergoing rehabilitation due to his severe head injury.

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This past Sukkos, he was even able to attend a Simchas Beis Ha’Shoeiva for Nachal Chareidi.

The public is asked to daven for the refuah shaleimah of Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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