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NRP’s Orlev Wants to Halt Meeting to Elect Jerusalem Chief Rabbi

In an urgent letter sent from National Religious Party leader MK Zevulun Orlev to Minister of Religious Services (Shas) Yitzchak Cohen, Orlev requests delaying a meeting planned for Wednesday intended to address the election of a new chief rabbi in the capital.

Orlev points out that he has documents ‘in hand’ that point to possible criminal activities regarding supporters of the candidacy of Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, a son of Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Orlev stated if the decision is made to move ahead with the meeting as planned, he will file a formal police complaint.

Orlev in his letter explains that he wishes to delay the meeting until the attorney general has time to review the facts in the case to prevent a chilul Hashem and possibly cause needles embarrassment or worse to prominent rabbis.

“I am not willing to permit the rabbis of Yerushalayim to be chosen in an underhanded and dishonest fashion,” stated Orlev, adding “they should be selected in an honorable fashion.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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