Policewoman Abducted at Gunpoint – Perp Eliminated

mishtara21.jpgWhat could have ended in catastrophe came to an abrupt end at a police roadblock on Monday night, leaving one policeman light-to-moderately wounded and the perpetrator was killed. A female policewoman who was abducted at gunpoint escaped without physical injuries.

The incident began at 4am Tuesday morning (Monday night to Tuesday morning) when police detected a burglar attempting to break into an Ashdod home. He was taken into custody and brought to the local police station.

At one point, he overpowered a policewoman, grabbed her weapon and abducted her, making his escape in a police vehicle. The fleeing perpetrator with his hostage headed north. Police followed in pursuit while roadblocks were set up. Finally, near Ginaton Junction, the perpetrator was stopped at a checkpoint and a gun battle ensued. One officer was wounded and the perpetrator was shot dead. The hostage was released unarmed physically.

Police have established an investigating committee following the incident which points to a lapse in proper police procedure which allowed the suspect, described as a known career criminal, managed to overpower a policewoman while in custody.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I think, Women don’t belong alltogeather being in the job of police , which is a Mans job ( they may do office work & cet. )
    the are great for what they CAN do – & don’t have to be in Everything….

  2. “I think, Women don’t belong alltogeather being in the job of police , which is a Mans job ( they may do office work & cet. )
    the are great for what they CAN do – & don’t have to be in Everything….”

    Comment by holyland — May 20, 2008 @ 9:59 pm

    Yeh, the 1940’s were great….

  3. I wonder what the Kollel husband would do if all women stopped working.
    Can you be a true ben torah sitting and learning while your wife is being forced out of her jewish home into a world filled with things and ideas that I may not print! To expose a jewish girl to such an environment one should be “chayiv mesah” for killing a jewish neshama! If the tanoim could work, so could lakewood!

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