Netanyahu Announces Easing Of COVID-19 Restrictions, Minyanim Allowed Outside

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced an easing of restrictions on Israeli citizens in a press conference on Motzei Shabbos, saying that the steps that the Israeli government has taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus have been effective and the government is now implementing steps in the opposite direction.

The prime minister said that beginning on Sunday, an easing of restrictions on the economy will begin, including increasing the number of employees allowed in the workplace from 15% to 30% and even higher in high-tech and service industries.

Some stores will be allowed to open such as those that sell electrical items, household goods and phone and computer equipment but not those in malls or open markets. Stores that sell clothing, shoes jewelry or toys will remain closed.

Up to ten people will be allowed to daven in a minyan outside while wearing masks and maintaining social distancing regulations.

Special education will be resumed on Tuesday, with classes of three children. Also, three families can pool together and hire a caregiver to watch their children.

Netanyahu added that this year Yom Haatzmaut and Yom HaZikaron events will be celebrated without live audiences and nuclear families will mark the days at home.

The prime minister said that the new regulations will be implemented for two weeks. If the rate of coronavirus infections continues to decrease, there will be a further easing of restrictions. If there is an increase of infections, there will be a tightening of restrictions.

Netanyahu also appealed to the Arab sector in Israel, imploring them to celebrate the upcoming Ramadan at home with the nuclear family.

Finally, Netanyahu said: “until we find a vaccine for the coronavirus it is here to stay and we will have to live with a coronavirus routine. For that reason, I will continue to work toward an emergency national unity government…I want unity. All the rest is spin.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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