Health Ministry Weighs Putting A Full Closure on Bnei Brak

Due to the high number of people infected with the Covid-19 Coronavirus in the city of Bnei Brak, Israel’s Health Ministry is weighing placing a full closure on sections of the city where the outbreak is the worst.

According to the proposal, sections of Bnei Brak, as well as other Chareidi cities where the outbreak rate is high, a full closure will be instituted. Residents who will not be able to comply with home isolation in a proper way will be removed and placed in quarantine centers.

Israel’s police force is preparing to enforce all restrictions set down by the Health Ministry throughout the city of Bnei Brak, in addition to adding inspectors and soldiers who will accompany police officers while performing their duty. A police blockade was set up at the main entrance to the city. Tomorrow, additional roadblocks will be set up at other entrances and exits.

Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein asked the government to set up a cabinet of Mayors from Chareidi cities to enable them to discuss how to properly disseminate information to a populace that does not use computers, cellphones or the internet.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Baloney. They use smartphones, on my flight to London we saw bochrim take out kosher phones AND smartphones. When they saw us looking they smirked. But let’s say they don’t have Internet…. cars go around all the time with different messages; thousands of residents soon found out about this levaya and showed up! The mayor is playing for time (& his job!) by being ingenuous.

    Also in Bnei Braq they are “considering” a total lockdown when it is estimated the entire city is infected. A small town like Kfar Chabad has been shut down because 3 doz or so residents are infected. Double standard, anyone??

    If the MoH wants us all to comply with the regulations, stop picking & choosing who must obey & who is cut slack. The rest of Israel is shut down but these layabouts can do whatever they like & nobody stops them. Then you ask yourselves why Chilonim despise us. In this situation, I don’t blame them. I am ashamed of the chilul Hashem here.

  2. It’s not about using electronics to get the information. The head Rabbis should of taken responsibility for any deaths that could have be prevented. The truth is, they refused to accept the facts and fought to continue going to Shul and large gatherings. Seems like none will ever say. I’m sorry we made a mistake and lives were lost. Why can’t the Rabbis ever stand up for the Jewish people. They failed all of us. Sadly this has happened in history too many times.

  3. It’s not about using electronics to get the information. The head Rabbis should of taken responsibility for any deaths that could have be prevented. The truth is, they refused to accept the facts and fought to continue going to Shul and large gatherings. Seems like none will ever say. I’m sorry we made a mistake and lives were lost. Why can’t the Rabbis ever stand up for the Jewish people. They failed all of us. Sadly this has happened in history too many times. When are we Jewish people going to unite as one nation.

  4. As we Know we have a shortage of ventilators such that within a week to 10 days we will run out the same way
    as in Italy . I Propose a fraction that represents the So called Heradi community be moved to The hospital Miyaai Yeshuahמרכז רפואי מעייני הישועה That way all Heradim can be sent to מרכז רפואי מעייני הישועה when they run out of Ventilators

    They will not Endanger people like me that Bide by the rules Stay Home and wear a mask outside. If they do not
    want to follow the Shiton ha Kofrim and our Laws . Their So called Gedoilim cannot fix the mess they have Created .
    It Is Called Psik Resha you have cut off the Head of the Chicken and then expecting it to live.

    It is now too late to Fix only To allocate Ventators per Population Groups. If you think I am wrong here is a Map

    Kfar Habad Benei Brak Not Jerusalem North Vs South Gilo Talpot vs The Whole Matterdord unsdorf Sanhedia
    Elad Beitar.

    If you want to follow a So called Gedolim and not wear a mask be my guest but do not take my Place if I need a ventilator.

    Any Rabbi will tell you one needs to take all actions in the Physical world.It is very clear the So called Chardim did
    not abide by the rule.If they Did then why are the numbers so high it is all in G-d hand I do not need to Listen to the
    Kofrim . Just like the people that Licked the the Shrine in Qom .

    Mayor Avraham Rubinstein the number so called Heradim that do not Listen to Tv or Internet all have Kosher Phones and All read Yadet or some other Mouth piece. And Nice Phone Numbers and Radio Col Chai . To claim They
    did not Know is Not True .Avraham Rubinstein knew fully well what the public rules were he chose not to follow them
    He only follows so called Geoolim.

    As I have said the Damage is Done and cannot be undone .
    The So called Gedoim need to face up they may have caused a large number of Deaths .

    May The Names and Memory of Those People that Knowingly endanger innocent people In this Time be erased .

  5. Why does the government have to take such dramatic action? Why doesn’t the government just ask them to comply with these simple lifesaving rules? I’m sure that they’ll be reasonable once the importance is calmly explained to them.

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