Tempo Distributes Pepsi Max to Yeshiva Bochrim

pepsi max.jpgTempo, the company that distributes Pepsi in Israel during recent days decided to treat many yeshiva bochrim ahead of the summer heat and company representatives distributed cans of the popular Pepsi Max diet drink to yeshiva lunchrooms.

Under the banner, “you deserve the maximum during the summer,” the company began distributing the soft drink, a less-than-common sight on lunch tables of Yerushalayim yeshivas.

Yoav Ben-Eliezer, a senior marketing official stated the campaign is part of the company’s ongoing effort to strengthen its ties with the chareidi community, which represents a major portion of the company’s clientele in Israel.

In Israel, Pepsi and Pepsi Max enjoy the hechsher of the Jerusalem-based Badatz Eida Chareidis.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Not a new one-it’s been done my many comapnies before-in various fields. Not a bad biz move. They’re getting the publicity and advertising for less than the standard marketing…

  2. Just to state the obvious, in the Israeli heat one should avoid caffeine as it is a diuretic (causes you to lose water) and drink WATER!

  3. Mmhm, just what the bachurim need, to keep them strong, healthy, well rested and full of Koiach to learn geshmak.

    Colas cause weak bones, liver and kidney problems, sleep problems, and wreak havoc on blood sugar control (which saps a person of energy) and then some. You’re all connected to the web. Google it and see for yourself. And then I challenge you to add to my list of “benefits of cola”.

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