Peleg Protestors Shut Down Highway In Bnei Brak [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Peleg Yerushalmi began another protest on Monday afternoon in Bnei Brak to object to the arrest of a Yeshiva Bochur named Gamliel Mahadani for failing to register for the IDF.

Instead of carrying out the protest in their usual spot at the Jabotinsky intersection, they gathered at the Coca-Cola Junction – the other main entrance to the city, where the police would not be expecting them.

A large number of police were prepared for the protest, including water canons, horses and police in riot gear if needed.

The protest began with the closure of the highway by Coca-Cola.

As can be seen in the attached videos, police used physical force to remove try and remove the boys from the highway, which was inconveniencing tens of thousands of people.

Last week the Peleg held a protest in Yerushalayim for the same cause.

PHOTOS AND VIDEOS VIA שלומי כהן קבוצת מחאות החרדים הקיצונים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. I just wonder how come there are hundreds of those “nothing to do” chevra, on the streets in the daylight making lives miserable for everyone, instead of learning in yeshiva as they claim they do all day long. I see some kids who are maybe 15 or 16, I think the parents should be either watch their kids who run in front of buses & cars, or lose parental rights. What a major chillul Hashem those idiots cause. Obviously what Israel does so far, does not work, so they should really try something different with those criminals. This is not a freedom of speech, this is a criminal and dangerous acts which should be punished very seriously.

  2. One of my tefilos is that I have zero part in the Torah that these baalei aveiros are supposedly learning. They have mortgaged their lives, dignity, and neshamos to the mob mentality, and every drop of their claimed learning is only supporting and energizing the powers of the Sitra Acharah. I daven that their genes and mine should never intersect. My advice to fathers of daughters who wish to marry them off to a Talmid Chochom should exclude any of these mevatlei Torah who possess and display midos that are incompatible with the Torah – דרכיה דרכי נועם.

    Can the media please publish their names so that we may avoid them when our girls enter shidduchim?

  3. A chilul Ha-Shem. No time for service, but plenty of time to lie down in the street. Cut off their welfare, draft them, then teach them all a useful trade.

  4. What if someone was in an ambulance needing to go to the hospital in a hurry? What if blocking traffic resulted in others missing work, missing minyan, missing shiurim? You better believe that after my attempts of honking and shouting, I’d run over (likely fatally) all of these guys if my wife was in labor and needing critical medical attention.

  5. Why don’t they just spray them with pepper spray? It is non-lethal, very uncomfortable, and would put an end to it. I am sure they could get one with a suitable hashgacha.

  6. From a Baal habayis point of view. These guys claim not to want to go to the army because they have to learn torah and learning torah is what is actually protecting us. Yet every second day they’re or on the streets not learning torah and disturbing everyone. Does this make any sense? Can anyone explain?

    Please do whatever you want but don’t disturb everyone and don’t make a chilul hash-m.

  7. “alexfromny” and “the little i know”, Lets talk about kiddush vs chilul hashem for a minute and how it is not necessarily the PC or popular choice, especially in the eyes of the chiloni israeli government who trample torah daily and who, with their new draft efforts have launched a campaign to draw our boys out of the beis medrish. They are coming for us and some of us won’t stand for it. This is a war against Hashem and his Torah that THEY started and our resistance is to send our boys and our men into the streets to say WE WILL NOT STAND SILENTLY WHILE YOU TRAMPLE TORAH. We apologize if your find our efforts inconvenient for you.
    Also, no worries, our boys would only consider marrying girls who would be proud of their efforts.

  8. seekingemes
    Your mind is so warped, it is actually incredible, what the police do to you lot, serves you right, you deserve every single bit of it, you are responsible, for people missing flights, events, meetings, tefilos, you have probably held back women in labour, and yet, you have the audacity to go by the name seeking emes, what emes is there in this chilul Hashem noira that you are causing? I am convinced that you and your guys have lost your olam haba for good. And I don’t know which girls would want to marry boys as messed up and brainwashed as yours. You all should be locked up for life. GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. seeking:

    Your comment stinks of true chutzpah. I speak for myself in having a diminished amount of respect for the Israeli government for those several areas in which they are insensitive to halacha. They were once quite a bit more supportive of yeshivos, which has changed for the negative. I am not so sure the radical reaction to the current draft law is warranted, and I understand the vast majority of Gedolim who simply side with the need to be compliant with the law. I may disagree, though respectfully of those few poskim who disagreed. No, I am not the one who tries to empty the beis hamedrash. I would certainly vote that those who use their yeshiva time in protesting should be considered candidates for draft – as they have chosen to leave the beis hamedrash for other activities.

    My issue is not that they protest, though they are mevatlei Torah by standing or sitting in the streets. It is that the public nuisance that they make of themselves causes true damage to countless innocent people. Must a chosson get transported by helicopter to his wedding because they blocked the streets? How is that pushing the agenda of hasmodoh? Blocking people from getting to work, home, simchos, doctor’s offices, etc. – are these not considered aveiros because of your hate for the Israeli government? I don’t demand you change your emotions. But get out of my way. No Gadol ever permitted you to damage others because of your passion, kal vachomer where I am a totally innocent party.

    Rav Auerbach never advocated for his talmidim to become public menaces and damage countless people. And claiming such is a huge chutzpah and bizayon. Preach all you like, stand on bleachers and chant anything you wish. But GET OUT OF THE STREET. I sincerely hope that the stains of this huge aveiroh that you Peleg thugs are accumulating can find a way to teshuvah, where there would need to be mechila from the many hundreds of innocent victims.

  10. Seekingemes, the yeshiva lights are on, the heaters are set, the seforim are on the bookshelves, the tables and chairs are ready, the only thing missing are actual bochurim learning. Complete emptiness! You can hear a pin drop in the Beis Medrash, it’s so quite. Where is the daily committment for serious learning? Where is the devotion of the seriousness of attending minyan? It’s certainly not with those guys. Sure, take them for your daughters. I’ll give you an $18 wedding gift.

  11. Anyone willing to debate logically with facts please read. Anyone who is only interested in spewing hatred without willingness to answer questions please skip this comment. It is important to note that a lot of the antagonism against these hafganos is due to a lack of understanding of what the problem is and why they are protesting. We have to remember that if we felt that our kids were being kidnapped we would definitely understand much more the hafganos. Another example, if a law passed that all the inhabitants of Bnei Brak will be thrown out of their homes to the streets (not at once but in stages, slowly but surely) and after trying every way possible through politicians and the like there was nothing left to do about it and the inhabitants of Bnei Brak made hafganos etc. people would be much more understanding and we would not be hearing comments of “why punish everyone” etc. if that was the only reasonable course of action. Therefore it is important to realize why they are demonstrating. The basic questions on them are that 1.At this point of time, no one is being threatened to be taken to the army and therefore how can this be called a gezeiras shmad 2. Why not just go to the enlistment office and get a deferment? Good questions. The fact is that a few years ago when the first law was passed, a law which DID NOT THREATEN ANYONE WITH IMMEDIATE CONSCRIPTION to the army and everyone was able to go to the enlistment office and get a deferment, the Gedolim from all factions of the chareidy community including agudas yisroel, degel hatorah and shas got together and wrote a statement that if the law passes THEY WILL CONSIDER PROHIBITING anyone from going to the enlistment office. At the time, Rav Yigal Rosen the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel and one who was considered to be a close confidant of Maran Harav Shteinman Zatza”l, wrote an article in the Yated Neeman (Rav Shteinman’s newspaper) explaining how Rav Shteinman is for weeks pondering the shayla about whether or not to prohibit going to the lishkat hagiyus. In the article, R’ Rosen explains the dilemma: on the one side seemingly, there is no reason to go all out against the government now and not to go to the deferment office because right now no one is being threatened with being drafted, on the other hand, he explains, the entire point of their waiting a few years and not drafting yet is because they know that if they try drafting now they won’t be successful, so they decided that the best way to do it is to wait and meanwhile everyone will come to get a dichuy in the deferment office and there they will look out for potential bochurim who may be able to be recruited for the army, he continues to write about how they put in hundreds of millions of shekel to trying to recruit people to the army and when they are successful in getting more and more chareidim into the army eventually the chareidim will become acclimated to the fact that chareidim serve in the army and it will be much easier for them to reach their goal of all chareidim serving in the army so therefore maybe the best way to deal with this is that right now we should say no! we will have nothing to do with this and when they see that they are up against a brick wall they’ll realize that there is now way to get the chareidim to go to the army because their not going to put tens of thousands of bochurim in jail Rav Rosen ends writing that Rav Shteinman is debating the shayla for weeks and has not yet decided eventually Rav Shteinman was quoted as saying that bochurim should go to the deferment office while R’ Shmuel Auerbach and with him hundreds of gedolei torah roshei yeshivos dayanim rabbonim and talmidei chachamim (google it it was at a conference in the tamir hall in Jerusalem at the time) said not to go to the deferment office those who follow these gedolim definitely have to follow them in this and the fact that they are being put into prison should cause the entire religious world to protest since whether you agree or not these boys are doing what they are mechuyav to be doing for example if their was a law that everyone has to eat rice on Pesach and people who didn’t were put in prison the sphardim would not say that we don’t have to protest since we see nothing wrong with eating rice on Pesach becausprotesting e the fact is that Ashkenazim are not follow the poskim who say not to eat rice on Pesach and therefore to force them to is religious persecution.  

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