Harav Amar Quotes Harav Chaim Kanievsky: “Moshiach Is Standing Next To The Wall”

Thousands participated in the hillulahs for the Baba Sali, z’tl, on Thursday near his tzion in Netivot for his 36th yartzeit (4 Shevat).

The main speech was delivered by the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Harav Shlomo Amar, who stressed that we are living in the times of Moshiach, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

“We’re in a terrible situation,” Harav Amar said. “We were never in a situation like this regarding the elections. I’m not a political person and I haven’t spoken about this, but there’s another election and another election and we don’t see a way out. Who knows what Hakadosh Baruch Hu is preparing for us. Who knows if Melech Ha’Moshiach isn’t already on the way.”

“Also regarding what the US President Trump is doing – things that we never dreamed in our best dreams – and he’s continuing and doing more. And all the leaders who came, Putin and others, spreading the name of Israel. It’s impossible to ignore. These are things we never dreamed of. Isn’t it the preparation for the coming of Moshiach?”

“This the preparation [for Moshiach],” Harav Amar emphasized. “I want to tell you something personal. A few weeks ago I went to a wedding in Bnei Brak…My mashgiach from yeshivah ketanah, Tiferes Tzion – the yeshivah that the Chazon Ish established where Harav Chaim Greineman and Harav Chaim Kanievsky learned as well as others – walked in.”

“[My mashgiach] told me that a little while ago he wanted to travel abroad for his kollel. He went to Harav Chaim Kanievsky to tell him. Harav Chaim said to him: “Rebbi Yitzchak, you’re traveling abroad? You don’t know that Moshiach is standing next to the wall.’ Harav Chaim told him to remain and he did.”

“Rabbosai, all the Gedolei HaDor are saying that Moshiach is approaching. All the signs that the nevi’im gave, all the signs that the Gemara mentions, in the Mishnah, in the Midrash – each one will come true. We only need more chizuk.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. “Rabbosai, all the GedoleiHaDor are saying that Moshiach is approaching…”

    Well, I won’t question the speculation but who would have thunk that Trump and Putin would be the simanim for z’man moishiach.

  2. We have been hearing these exact same words,20 yrs ago 40 yrs ago and during the yom kipur war,the six day war,before world war two and certainly right after the war,
    the exact same words we heard during and after world war one,and during the Kishenev massacres and pogroms everyone was sure and some even swore that it’s CHEVLEI MOSHIACH and he is just around the corner next to the wall,
    we have heard these same assurances during GEZEIRAS TACH V’TAT,during the CHMELNITZKI massacres,we have heard it during SHABSE TZVI y’m’s ,also during the crusades etc,etc,,as a matter of fact in almost every generation since the CHURBAN HABAYIS ,there were some leaders of that generation who promised us MOSHIACH is just around the corner,as a matter of fact even the great TANNAH REB AKIVA thought mistakenly that BAR KOCHVOH was MOSHIACH,and unfortunately it cost the lives of twenty thousand of his talmidim during the unsuccessful uprising.

    Bottom line is,NO ONE BUT NO ONE knows when MOSHIACH will be here,not even Reb Chaim or Rav Amar.

  3. chugibugi you have to believe that he is coming today. Whether it materializes or not is irrelevant. Your words border Kefirah

  4. @coffeeadict Actually the older, non-censored accounts has Rabbi Akiva’s students dying from serving in Bar Kochva’s army

  5. Our Rabbeim in Israel are all saying that it is end of days now, yet all you Americans keep having a safek…

    You are so influenced by Edom that your sfekot are this Western culture you seem to not be able to leg go from your life. Whats wrong American Jews(Maybe its that your American first and Jewish second)? Are you ashamed that when Mashaich comes you will finally have to admit that you were integrated into Edom? Stop Denying every Gadol Hador today that says its Acharit Yamim right now, as across the board native born Israeli Rabbeim know this is the case, they don’t have any safek.

    Thank Hashem that the title of Rav is Israeli smicha and Rabbi is this interfaith edom influenced culture. We will easily know when Eliyahu Hanavi gets here who really had smicha…

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