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Peres: Chareidim Must Obtain Higher Ed & Work

pSixty avreichim and talmidim from the Mir, Ponevezh, Chevron and Ateret Yisrael Yeshivos met with President Shimon Peres to express their opinions and to hear the president regarding the major issues pertaining to the chareidi tzibur in Eretz Yisrael today.

The delegation explained that they are pained to the core over the hate that appears to be increasing between the chareidi and non-chareidi communities in Israel and the lack of trust that now exists as a result of the issues at hand, including the draft, cutting funds and more.

The president listened attentively, telling his audience that it is most important to continue efforts to direct chareidim to an academic education and higher education as well as service in the IDF or other state service. “There is no contradiction between an academic degree and adherence to the taryag mitzvos. Higher education is the key to higher salaries with the latter permitting one to live comfortably while adhering to a life of mitzvos. An example is the Rambam, who was an exemplary physician and Torah scholar” stated Mr. Peres.

The president explained that he believes both the employers and workers must work together towards encouraging chareidim to join the workforce. “The chareidim must work and the businesses must permit them to work. We must ensure the proper conditions exist to accommodate them in the workplace.”

He called for the need to return to derech eretz, for this the president explained is the premise for respecting one another.

Mr. Peres explained he has the utmost respect for the talmidei yeshivos who are safeguarding the future of Torah and the traditions of our past generations. “The ancient seforim such as the Mishnah and Gemara are democratic seforim in their essence. Their purpose is an in-depth spiritual discussion regarding the nature of Judaism. They offer impressive argument and offer a place for the minority opinion.”

“The chareidi community is an important part of Am Yisrael and the State of Israel…We must restore dialogue. In the State of Israel there is no place for religious coercion or anti-religious coercion.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. So if they get their Ph.D. in Talmud from Hebrew University, they’ll be employable?

    And given the hostile culture of secular Israelis, and the serious animosity they have against Bnei Torah (remember that the whole idea of zionist was a Torah-free Judaism), the best bet for employment among hareidim would be if the Arabs took over, or if hareidim were forced to leave the country (and you can guess which the zionists prefer).

  2. “1. akuperma: So if they get their Ph.D. in Talmud from Hebrew University, they’ll be employable?”

    I think the point is that if they are trained to be accountants, lawyers, nurses, teachers, social workers, physical therapists, scientists, engineers, doctors, architects, then they will be employable.

    “the best bet for employment among hareidim would be if the Arabs took over”. If the Arabs did indeed take over, how would chareidim be more employable? Do the Arabs hire kollel guys to learn? You know this does not add up.

    “or if hareidim were forced to leave the country”. And then what? Canada, Australia, Belgium or the US would hire them to sit and learn? I have no idea what you are saying.

  3. Beautifully spoken, but the words do not reflect the reality.

    Mr. Peres is not a disciple of the RAMBA”M. He is a well-known international Socialist, who is in reality a disciple of Moshe Mendelsohn, a nominally-Orthodox Jewish intellectual, with a higher education, who “integrated” with the culture of Germany, whose children married goyim (full integration) and who was responsible for Reform Judaism.

  4. @1
    If they get their PhD in Talmud then they should be the ones getting jobs as rabanim.

    To your second comment im not sure if your a troll, but if the arabs take over i promise you that the work opportunities for any jew (including charadim) would be similar to the work that Jew had to to in mitzrayim, bavel ashur, etc im sure you get the point.

    Nevermind that its Elul and you just said loshon hara on a large segment of jews….so kindly take your perverted holier than thou attitude and shove it

  5. While gemara might have democratic aspect to it (although mesorah obviously plays larger role) yiddishkeit is NOT a democracy. That’s the problem with non-frum yidden. They view yiddishkeit through prism of western culture and draw all the wrong conclusions.

  6. President Peres, with whom I generally disagree on other issues, made valid points in a calm, respectful atmosphere on both sides.

    Given the hostile culture of extremist chareidi, and the serious animosity they have against the medinah in general( remember that their whole shita is anti-Zionist), the best bet for employment among them is to learn a trade. If Arabs take over they will certainly not employ them for this reason alone. If they are forced to leave the country they will still have to learn a trade (I’m not going to guess what the Zionists prefer because they’re busy with their own lives and don’t obsess over extremists all day ).

    I hope #1 doesn’t bring me up on charges of plagiarism , I DID change and adapt somewhat.

  7. What a major plus for Yeshiva bochurim and Pres. Peres to have some schmooze time in a calm & respectful manner (can be due to the Yeshivos that they come from that are not earmarked as the kanoei group).

    “remember that the whole idea of zionist was a Torah-free Judaism “- Quite a bit of rewriting of history in this line….

  8. #4- Clearly you are new here, as akuperma has been ranting on like this since I can remember. Why doesn’t he take the lead and move to Saudi Arabia and let us know how his job is working out?

  9. Higher ed maybe why not but definitely not IDF service or sheirut leumi they are melting pot that only “serve” the chareidie community by destroying souls

  10. at first glance reading M’s reply to akuperma made a lot of sense.

    However, thats only with the premise that the government will support them, in reality Americain Bnei Torah are supported by their parents and the government is an added benefit (saves the parents money) if however the government decrees that they wont help out, the parents would have to foot the bill to which they would reply whats the monetary benefit of living in Eretz Yisrael (However the Israeli learners are still stuck there)

  11. akuperma’s drivel grows more insane every day. This site will always publish anything he writes, and he’s usually the first one to comment. His mindset is Satmar party line thinking. If you love Arabs so much and you think you’d be able to extract sufficient wealth from their governments, then by all means go. Get out of the holy land. Make Aliyah to Riyadh or Damascus or Ankara.

  12. “Americain Bnei Torah are supported by their parents and the government is an added benefit (saves the parents money)” – VERY GENERALIZED STATEMENT, much support comes from wive’s occupation and gvnmt is more than an added benefit.

    “if however the government decrees that they wont help out, the parents would have to foot the bill to which they would reply whats the monetary benefit of living in Eretz Yisrael ” THEY MAY CONCLUDE THAT THERE ARE OTHER BENEFITS TO LIVING IN ERETZ YISROEL BESIDES THE CASH COW.

    There is still ‘free’ medical insurance in Israel which costs in the tens of thousand in the USA.

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