MIRACLE IN BNEI BRAK: Shul Wall Collapses As Dozens Of Avreichim Learn In The Next Room

Stormy weather conditions began in Israel again on Wednesday morning after a short break, leading to flooding in Israel’s north and powerful winds.

In Bnei Brak, a concrete pillar collapsed onto the wall of a shul’s kitchen, causing the wall to collapse right next to the room where dozens of avreichim were learning, Kikar Hashabat reported. The shul’s gabbai was standing next to the wall at the time and managed to run away a second before it collapsed.

Dovid Zar, a well-known Chareidi photographer who learns in the kollel in the shul, told Kikar Hashabat: “Apparently it was a weak pillar that fell due to the wind. It was an extremely powerful wind that hasn’t been felt in Bnei Brak for many years. In the zechus of limmud Torah, the avreichim were saved as well as the gabbai – the wall almost collapsed right on top of him.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Of course its a Neis that nobody was hurt.
    That wall was built by cowboys (arabs) without any skill or concern for safety. You can clearly see that they piled up the bricks like lego without weaving them into the existing wall or using brick joints at the ceiling.
    People have to stop using illegal workers and substandard contractors. The building regulations are there for good reason. That could have cost a few lives. If you are having work done, ask some basic questions to make sure it safe and legal.

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