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IDF Chief Calling for Major Land Incursion into Gaza

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi is now coming out vocally in support of an IDF ground incursion into Gaza, stating such an eventuality will be better sooner rather than later.

Ashkenazi was not always in favor of such a move, which will place IDF combatants in the heart of Hamas territory, in very difficult fighting, but the continued escalation in rocket attacks and Hamas’ arming demand a ground forces deployment in Gaza to permit Israel to retake the areas in northern Gaza which serve as a launching pad for Kassam and Grad rockets.

Most military analysts agree that such a move is not avoidable and Israel will be compelled to order a large incursion into Gaza, a move that may place the IDF in the midst of major prolonged fighting with Hamas terrorists, who are backed by Iranian and Syrian armaments and funds.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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