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US President Bush Arrives in Israel

bush olmert 2.jpgAir Force 1 touched down in Ben-Gurion International Airport at about 11AM Israel time Wednesday morning.

The IDF band and honor guard were in spit-and-polish condition, having well-rehearsed their roles for the second visit of the US president in a number of months.

After stepping down, the American national anthem was played as President Shimon Peres escorted Mr. Bush, followed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who was accompanying the First Lady and Mrs. Olmert.

It is interesting to point out the three stopped for a noticeable amount of time and entered into a discussion with Binyamin Netanyahu, the opposition leader.

Opening the official welcoming was President Peres, who made his remarks in English, referring to Mr. Bush as “our dear friend,” wishing him “mazel tov” and welcoming him and the First Lady to the “new Israel”.

“You have demonstrated a biblical attitude and warm relationship towards Israel,” stated Peres, who went out to explain that during the past 60 years we have been outnumbered and despite the fighting, we never postponed the democracy for a minute.

The president reaffirmed his belief that “miracles do happen” and that peace will be realized in the region.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: “It is an honor and a privilege to welcome the president of the United States to Israel for the second time this year,” speaking of the special year, Israel’s 60th anniversary.

Mr. Olmert also made his comments in English, speaking of the special relationship that exists between Israel and the United States throughout the years. “Our strategic alliance with the United States is one of Israel’s pillars of security”.

President George W. Bush: “We are proud to reaffirm the friendship between our peoples and to participate in the 60th anniversary celebrations,” adding that both Israel and the USA face similar challenges.

“Americans and Israelis can be proud of our pasts and the best way to honor our founders is to continue the work they started.”

Mr. Bush will deliver the keynote address on Wednesday night in the Jerusalem Convention Center, where participants of the Facing Tomorrow Presidential Conference are being hosted by President Shimon Peres. Hundreds of leaders and high-level diplomats have arrived from around the world to take part in the conference.

Much of the cost of the Facing Tomorrow conference is being covered by some of the special guests invited by President Peres, including Sheldon Adelson as well as S. Daniel Abraham, who were also questioned by police in the Olmert affair during their visit. There are still considerable costs dealing with security and many other facets of the visit that are the subject of criticism of many.

Many of the potential press ops are being blacked out by American security, including and Thursday night museum visit, a Friday museum event and Massada, with the media having been informed no live transmissions will be permitted, not even a report from a cellular telephone.

Downtown Jerusalem closed down in part as the presidential visit began and residents and shoppers are bracing for three days of alternate bus routes, no vehicular access, closure of main street and access arteries, until Mr. Bush leaves for Sharm el-Sheikh on Friday. King David Street, where the American entourage will be staying, is closed to everyone except residents of the street during the entire presidential visit. Helicopters have been hovering over the capital since Tuesday night, as Jerusalemites once again welcome the American president.

Complete text of welcoming speech can be viewed by clicking HERE.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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