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Fax President Bush at the King David Hotel

pollard.jpgThe Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home and J4JP urgently request that EVERYONE take a minute to send a fax to President Bush at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem (02-6208880/ 2) for the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard.  The goal is to inundate Mr. Bush with faxes repeating the same message over and over and over again:
Mr. Bush, Free Jonathan Pollard NOW!

SEND TO FAX NUMBER: 02-6208880 or  02-6208882

FROM OUTSIDE ISRAEL: +972-2-6208880 or +972-2-6208882

It’s easy! It takes just a few minutes. And best of all, the King David Hotel staff assure us that all faxes received are delivered to Mr. Bush.  Fax now! Fax often! Fax everyday for the duration of the Bush visit to Israel.

29 Responses

  1. I am faxing the king david right now.

    Let’s see if yeshivaworld can get 1000 people who care to send a fax.
    Please post if you faxed.

  2. I think that the PDF layout and words are very dis-respectful to send to The President of the United States especialy while he is visiting Eretz Yisroel.

    I agree a letter should be faxed to the president,
    but not with him in a picture with the leader of HAmmas and Hezbolah. The President is an Ohaiv Yisroel the tone of the PDF fax is very radical and the same or better would be acheived by sending a civil letter or fax.

    Editors Note: That link was removed.

  3. When Olmert will take care of the Israeli soldiers that have been captured by Hama’s & Lebanon & nobody knows there whereabouts we will take care next of Pollard & Yes I am sick & tired of the Israeli lobby telling us Americans what to do, but they themselves will not take care of their own people.

    Enough already with this Pollard Nonsense he committed a crime & let him pay the price & by the way they claim he is Frum !!!!!!! amazing I never see a picture of him with a Yalmulka or Tzitzis it is always the same old picture with the stupid long pony tail

  4. Are we dealing with dumb people over here. There is no way the hotel staff delivers faxes to Prez. Bush because he has one in his room. Do you think he want the concearge to read his faxes. I agree with the idea to free Polard, but what a stupid way to do it.

  5. Levtov32,

    How dare you put the Pollard case down like that! How stupid must one be not to realize the hypocrisy here! Tens if not hundreds of spies have been discovered her in the United States and have been prosecuted not one, I repeat, not one! has been sentenced to life imprisonment (and if they were, they were already pardoned! this is a guy who if as claimed, spied for a friendly country – not against us PROUD US CITISZENS! There is absolutely no reason why this guy is rotting in prison so long! It’s time to get him home.
    As to you Levtov32 It might be time to change your nickname to something more befitting you low life!

  6. k so like no offense, but i really dont think theyre going to give bush all these faxes that start piling in…its like oh here president..its another fax for you..and even if they do, i doubt he’s really gona read them…

  7. Why will all this faxing accomplish anything, if President Bush acknowledged that he constantly get’s such requests and still there is no change to the attitude of the government concerning this case (see: Israel’s Channel 10 Interviews President Bush)

  8. TO: levtov32
    Your comments are very harsh and disgusting.

    One can turn the tables on your comment as there are many in Federal Prison with Yarlmukas and (Comaprison only: stupid long)Paiyus that consider themselves frum and have commited crimes.

    Jonathan Pollard received a sentence greater than any spy has ever received for passing classified information to an Ally.

    In addition Mr. Pollard pleaded guilty and was then sentenced harsher than was the plea bargain.

    Pidyon Shviyim is a great mitzvah and a remorseful and contrite Yid is in prison it is a great mitzvah to free him and assist in freeing all Shveyim that are not a danger to society.

    BH we live in the USA and we have the oppurtunity to use our voices with respect to the government as a people to enact legislation and convince legislators to overturn sentencing and issue pardons to even to most hardened criminals.

  9. I have been trying both numbers ever since you posted them and can’t get through. I wrote my own message. How many others can’t get through?
    Remember you should call the White House every day at202 456 1111.

  10. To number 9 to bad i am not such a zionist like you but i have plenty of Ahavas Yisroel for the right people here in this country & not for the discusting State of Isreal or as you like to call it Medinat Yisroel.

    Isreal has the worst attitude than any other nation on the face of this earth & just find out how harsh they treat RELIGIOUS JEWS in their own prisons & yes we americans dont have to take lessons from them & i am very proud to say that as on american Orthodox JEW & they should not tell how to conduct our Legal System.

    Isreal is not a democracy when it comes to thier own religious citizens, but they demand from the USA how dare they.

  11. I faxed to both numbers
    here is the text
    “Mr. President of the United States of America
    King David Hotel
    Jerusalem, Israel

    To HIS honor,

    Please pardon Jonathan Pollard and release him from captivity immediately!!!

    Mr. President, do the right thing and may Hashem, the Lord, Master of the Universe bestow blessings upon you.

    A local citizen,”

  12. LevTov:
    How ironic your username is! LevTov says: let a yid rot in jail ’cause he deserves it and who cares, he’s not frum anyway. Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself

    Where’s our chesed? Where’s our common sense? Did Rav Aaron ask these questions when they stormed offices in Washington to save Jews? I hate to say this, but you mamash display middas S’dom, calling cruelty and indifference to the plight of a fellow Jew chessed.


    I just faxed but keep getting busy signal. I’ll keep trying. Here’s my text: anyone is free to use it, but please adapt it with your own wording so it doesn’t just look like a blast from a commercial fax factory:


    President George W. Bush
    C/O King David Hotel
    Jerusalem, Israel

    Dear Mr. President:

    On the historic occasion of Israel’s 60th birthday, it is time to release Jonathan Pollard.

    As your visit demonstrates, the relationship between Israel and the United States is very special and it is special because of shared democratic values and dedication to the freedom of the individual. In this context, we believe that any person convicted of a crime shall not be subjected to “cruel and unusual punishment”. Included in this thought is the notion of fairness and that a man who has repaid his debt to society should be free to rejoin his fellow citizens in the enjoyment of our G-d given freedoms.

    Mr. President, where there is justice, let there also be mercy. Bear in mind that Mr. Pollard has served longer than any American convicted of a similar offense. Also bear in mind the numerous times that Israel, at the behest of a long series of American diplomats, has released thousands of Palestinian prisoners as good will gestures, including many convicted of far worse offenses than Jonathan Pollard and who served far shorter sentences.

    It is time for America to make a good will gesture, a gift of freedom to the people of Israel as they stand bravely by the United States in confronting the great terrorist evil of our time. May G-d bless and may G-d bless America.


  13. LevTov does it again without realizing what a sonei Yisroel he sounds like:

    “but i have plenty of Ahavas Yisroel for the right people here in this country”

    Tell us all, LT, who are the “right people”? You need a major hashkafah overhaul.

  14. B’H Levtov showed his true colors in his after remarks. We all know about the short comings if the secular govenment in Israel and thier abhorrent treatment at times of Chassidim and Chareidim that has no bearing on legitimizing a Yid rotting in jail.
    I think it would be aprropriate for Levtov32 to take off his,langer reckel,his koppel and cut off his langer paiyus that look like a “stupid” pony tail.

  15. I have tried faxing about 10 times and still busy.

    LevTov: there’s a good saying about keeping your mouth closed and letting everyone think you’re not too smart rather than opening it and proving them all right. Good advice for you.

  16. lev tov, i know everyone is saying it but i cant help but add my own “shame on you”, sonai yisrael!

  17. To Manish Tanneh & The Town Crier & TownShrier

    Thanks to all of you for the lesson you gave me today in Ahavas Yisroel but i am proud to say i am not going to change the least bit & all your lecturing me is not going to help as i have a pretty nice upbringing & G-d bless my parents they are both Holocaust survivors & gave me a very decent education & yes i did not grow up watching television or Movies & dont take my Haskafha from those places.

    So i dont have to apoligize to anybody & especially to all of you or to your loyalty to the Holy State of Isreal & i say AMERICA first AMEN

  18. To levtov32:

    Let me just inform you of the facts of the Jonathan Pollard case… he has been in prison for over 20 years and has been convicted for a lifetime sentence, even after he pleaded guilty. Johnathan Pollard is a true Tzadik (and I don’t even want to use your filthy fake name in this same sentence- but- you are a huge true Rasha.) The huge anti-semite and anti-israel and anti-zionist prosecutors who hate Jews and Israel senteced him to a lifetime sentence.

    Again, Jonathan Pollard is a huge Tzadik who has saved many, if not thousands of Jews from missiles from enemy countries. I hope levtov32 you can change your ways and become a fraction as good as Jonathan Pollard!

    By the way… I am a 15 year old 9th grader in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and I have more knowledge than you levtov32.

  19. Dear Charlie (No. 29):
    How dare you (repeatedly here and elsewhere)
    * tell other Jews NOT to do the Great Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim?
    * take satisfaction in the unjust suffering of a fellow Jew?

    So many Gedolim, Rabbanim, and other Jewish leaders have denounced the cruelty of his punishment and have declared this an URGENT case of Pidyon Shvuyim!

  20. levtov32,

    Regardless if your right or wrong, such talk and lishonos out of a mouth that says shemona esrei 3 times day and shema twice (hopefully), is unacceptable.
    Lashon nekiah is a trademark of a yerei shamayim.
    I wonder if your parents know that you talk like this.
    I think that they would be ashamed as would your Rebbe.
    Please do teshuva. Thanks.

  21. To the incredibly misnamed LevTov, who exhibits a heart of stone.

    In #23 you say:

    “Thanks to all of you for the lesson you gave me today in Ahavas Yisroel but i am proud to say i am not going to change the least bit & all your lecturing me is not going to help as i have a pretty nice upbringing & G-d bless my parents they are both Holocaust survivors & gave me a very decent education & yes i did not grow up watching television or Movies & dont take my Haskafha from those places.

    So i dont have to apoligize to anybody & especially to all of you or to your loyalty to the Holy State of Isreal & i say AMERICA first AMEN”

    First, you say that you are not going to change. This is the hallmark of a true chamor. A Yid who is keeping the hashkafas HaTorah understands that our whole purpose in life is to change, seeking to improve ourselves, and particularly our character. I pity you, because your mindset is not to listen to legitimate criticism. Since no one can guide you, unless you change this attitude, you will remain a chamor.

    I have no complaints on your parents. They probably did their best. Still, everything you say here is inconsistent with your own claim that you were well raised and well educated. One must conclude that, despite your parent’s good efforts, you resisted their guidance just like you resist good advice here and that’s why you ended up with such a rotten attitude to your fellow Jews. There are plenty of people who grew up without television or movies and still managed to develop very bad character traits. So trying to hold yourself out as some kind of heilige person because you didn’t have these things is completely useless.

    Your defiant refusal to apologize also shows your low character. I don’t want your apology. Just acknowledge that you could be wrong, instead of coming across like this proste baal gaiva who knows everything, while declaring openly his hate for any Jew who doesn’t measure up to his standards.

    Finally, I don’t have loyalty to the “Holy State of Israel”. I regard the secular nature of the state as a terrible thing. This has nothing to do with the State of Israel. It has to do only with the mitzva of pidyon shvuyim: the greatest thing we can do is to help another Jew. You choose to sit in judgment on him, stealing Hashem’s job and holding yourself up like a shayna yid.

    LevTov, either change your username or change your attitude, because you ain’t no LevTov.

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