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Warning to Soldiers and Hikers Regarding Snake Season

IDF officials have issued a warning to soldiers as the spring brings with it snake season. The military’s Bamachane Magazine instructs soldiers that if bitten, to keep the victim still and as calm as possible, and to avoid the home remedies, which include trying to suck the venom from the wound area.

A special warning is issued to females, who frequently wear sandals [since they are not required to wear military boots]. Walking with exposed feet through brush areas increases the likelihood of being bitten.

Of late, the military reports at least two cases in which soldiers were seriously injured as a result of bites from poisonous snakes.

The alert is also valid for hikers Israel Nature Authority and other agencies warn Israelis who take to the trails to be aware and try to avoid walking in the brush areas where snakes seek shade during the hot daylight hours.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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