SICKENING: Neturei Karta’s Weiss Tells Terrorist Supporter That Monsey Victims Were “100% Anti-Zionist”

While Jews around the world are in shock following the multiple anti-semeitic attacks in the NYC, Jews are remaining vigilant and aware of their surroundings.

On that note, it’s important to remember that there are not only-homegrown terrorists to be aware of in the United States, but there are actually terrorist-supporting people disguised as Orthodox Jews – such as an individual named David Weiss of the Neturi Karta.

In a string of tweets last night, well-known anti-Semite and terrorist supporter named Abbas Hamideh told his followers about his conversation he had with “Rabbi Weiss”.

YWN felt our readership may want to know about them.

Following are his tweets:


Abbas Hamideh is the executive director of the “U.S.-based Palestine Right to Return Coalition”. He has a long hateful history of calling Israel a “terrorist entity,” has equated Zionists to Nazis, said Israel has a “delusional ISIS-like ideology,” and called the creation of the country a “crime.”

Hamideh has praised arch-terrorist Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah Terrorist Organization in Lebanon. Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States and other nations.

Neturei Karta has in the past met with and embraced (literally kissed) world leaders who call for the destruction of Israel, such as former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.

They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”.

Many in this same group traveled to Iran to attend a Holocaust denial conference a number of years ago, and repeatedly kissed former Iranian President Ahmadinejad as he openly stated how he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. In fact Mr. Yisroel Dovid [Achmed] Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism. Watch the video below if you have any question if these people are terror-supporters of not.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

31 Responses

  1. Is Mr. Weiss aware that Mr. Hamideh wants him DEAD whether Israel exists or not?!
    (I really believe the yichus of Mr Weiss needs to be checked. Seriously.)

  2. No country would allow group of people to rile up its enemies. And Israel is no different. They should stand Justice IN ISRAEL for TREASON!! Embracing Israel’s greatest threat and enemy is illegal and they should be thrown in Jail.

  3. this nut job Weiss speaks for no one. he knows that by giving these statements he gets coverage. I’m an insider and I can tell you that these thugs are despised in the community.

  4. What’s sickening? Rabbi Rottenberg and his family, if u do or dont like him is a staunch anti Zionist. And if the media publicized the terrorist’s google log that he was looking for an anti Zionist synagogue, then what’s so “sickening” about Weiss stating the obvious?
    Zionists want to feel cozy that they’re protective of their brethren all over the globe. They’re NOT. And why isn’t it SICKENING when Zionists mince despicable words against anti Zionists? Because thats a cushiony feeling.
    Lemme break it to you; they’re are still out there Anti Zionists (and many not affiliated with NK). If that’s what’s driving you all insane then be it!
    We’re proud Anti Zionists because its the Torah’s way.

  5. To be honest i am not even sure why these silly things get posted on YWN. It just cause rif raf in klal yisroel wether or not Mr weiss is a yid or not.
    The guy is unfortunately ill in the head and is warped. His brain is so crooked taht you will never get sense in or out of him.
    HE IS ILL!!!!!
    Just ignore and move on in life….

  6. I’m confused. How does their being anti-Zionist make it “better?” If they claim Hashem is on their side, it would have been much better if the attack happened against Zionists. (Not that I want an attack against anyone.) Then he could have something to sing about.

  7. Mr Weiss is an evil, stupid man. Interestingly, his evil organization Neturei Harta (guardians of feces) supports the criminal organization of Iran which just murdered 1500 protesters but had the hypocricy to have a member of Neturei Harta talk to presstv (their criminal tv station) about the Israeli police. He’s a drek of the Drek. Scum of the earth.

  8. I have no problem with anti-zionist. I DO have a HUGE [think trump] issue with siding with terrorists.
    If Weiss would say they condemn attacks on jews and israeli civilians but they believe that the palistinians should have the land. I would accept that. Thats your prerogative, to believe who is rightful owners of what. but to condone people who kill jews? that, to me, is the issue here.

  9. Meilah that Daud Achmed Weiss mixes in Zionists and Zionism in every situation that has nothing to do with his agenda, what can you expect from a Muslim like him? But the commenters here mixing up the metzias as well? No wonder people are upset at the Times article claiming Ashkenazim have the highest IQs. From many comments on here it seems as though many Ashkenazim have incredibly low IQs.

  10. Anti Zionists who Join with Non-Jews, Arabs, Iranians, Palestinians, Against Jews living in Israel, where millions of Jews live, has no basis in Torah. No where in Tanach does it say that Jews can Join with Goyim against other Jews. No where does it say that Jews must be ruled over by Goyim who persecute them and kill them. Especially since Palestinians and Iranians have murdered so many Jews. This is a form of mental illness, or evil.

  11. If Hashem wanted a Frum Government in Israel, run by you anti Zionist group, by Jews who will get along with each other, and be able to run a country, then there would be a Frum Government run by you anti Zionists. But YOU have not merited it. No Frum group has yet been able to merit this, because we don’t get along or accept one Frum group as Authority, we are splintered into Dozens of Chassidish, Yeshivish, Litvish, Sefardi Groups. Some Groups in Israel have been given the merit to be in the government coalition, they have Merited it.

  12. Anti Zionists, Since you want the Palestinian Murderers to be the Government over The Jews, you say this is what you want, then you can go right now and live in Ramallah and Gaza and in Syria! Why Aren’t you doing what you are encouraging?! Why don’t you go live under your friends the Palestinians right now?

  13. I may not agree with every decision Yisroel Dovid Weiss makes, But he is a Jew who loves his fellow Jews.

    Some things i agree with him very strongly.

    Go to your seforim store, but a copy of the Heilige sefer “VaYoel Moshe” and sit down and learn it. Really learn it well. It will open your eyes.
    I was in Mir, in Beis Medrash when i read it. I found it very disturbing. So I brought it to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Avraham Kalminowitz, ZT”L to ask him about it because I knew he had great respect for the author, the Satmar Rov, ZT”L
    I asked him how could it be? He replied, “Don’t just read that sefer. Study it, and think about it, and though it is sure to make you uncomfortable, it is completely right to the last letter.”
    I asked the Rosh Yeshiva, “Then why are you not speaking out saying these things?”

    He responded with tears in his eyes. “I wish I had the courage to. But the continued existence of this yeshivah, and our project of rescuing Yiddidise bochrim from Morroco so they don’t fall into the hands of Israeli atheist “camps” – is totally dependent on donations from about 20 rich Jews. And I fear, if I speak out against the Medinah, and especially to outright say, NO, we don’t have a right to govern their at all, the donations would dry up instantly. How could we keep this yeshiva open? So, i am doing the cowardly act, and remaining silent. But, you ask me directly, so I have to tell you the truth. Every word if this gevaldige sefer is true and right.”

    So study the sefer VaYoel Moshe before you attack a courageous Jew who is actually trying to save us all from another Holocaust.

    Many gedolay Yisroel, for hundreds of years have said punishment for our violating the Sholosh Shevuos is a plague on the Jews that certainly looked like a nevua predicting the Holocaust. And that was just for the 100 years of planning
    Now that we are actually doing, totally violating the Shalosh Shavuos, what will the next one be?
    While we tell ourselves the State of Israel is a safe haven for us, our Talmud and gedolim teach the opposite.

    Maybe this man that you all want to hate is bravely trying to save us from another Holocaust.

    Besides, deep in your hearts and conciences, do you really believe The State of Israel is treating these Palestinian Benai Noach al pi Torah?

    I have said my part. I will say no more, as i don’t like machlokes. Just buy the sefer VaYoel Moshe, and study it, before you speak more loshon hora, and hatred that is certainly ossur, against this Yid, Yisroel Dovid Weiss.

  14. Correcting typos:

    I may not agree with every decision Yisroel Dovid Weiss makes, But he is a Jew who loves his fellow Jews.

    Some things i agree with him very strongly.

    Go to your seforim store, buy a copy of the Heilige sefer “VaYoel Moshe” and sit down and learn it. Really learn it well. It will open your eyes.
    I was in Mir, in Beis Medrash when i read it. I found it very disturbing. So I brought it to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Avraham Kalminowitz, ZT”L to ask him about it because I knew he had great respect for the author, the Satmar Rov, ZT”L
    I asked him how could it be? He replied, “Don’t just read that sefer. Study it, and think about it, and though it is sure to make you uncomfortable, it is completely right to the last letter.”
    I asked the Rosh Yeshiva, “Then why are you not speaking out saying these things?”

    He responded with tears in his eyes. “I wish I had the courage to. But the continued existence of this yeshivah, and our project of rescuing Yiddidishe bochrim from Morroco so they don’t fall into the hands of Israeli atheist “camps” – is totally dependent on donations from about 20 rich Jews. And I fear, if I speak out against the Medinah, and especially to outright say, NO, we don’t have a right to govern their at all, the donations would dry up instantly. How could we keep this yeshiva open? So, I am doing the cowardly act, and remaining silent. But, you ask me directly, so I have to tell you the truth. Every word if this gevaldige sefer is true and right.”

    So study the sefer VaYoel Moshe before you attack a courageous Jew who is actually trying to save us all from another Holocaust.

    Many gedolay Yisroel, for hundreds of years have said punishment for our violating the Sholosh Shevuos is a plague on the Jews that certainly looked like a nevua predicting the Holocaust. And that was just for the 100 years of planning
    Now that we are actually doing, totally violating the Shalosh Shavuos, what will the next one be?
    While we tell ourselves the State of Israel is a safe haven for us, our Talmud and gedolim teach the opposite.

    Maybe this man that you all want to hate is bravely trying to save us from another Holocaust.

    Besides, deep in your hearts and conciences, do you really believe The State of Israel is treating these Palestinian Benai Noach al pi Torah?

    I have said my part. I will say no more, as i don’t like machlokes. Just buy the sefer VaYoel Moshe, and study it, before you speak more loshon hora, and hatred that is certainly ossur, against this Yid, Yisroel Dovid Weiss.

  15. RebAvi:
    1) Weiss is not a “fellow” loving yid. He loves himself and loves public attention. He has a din of a rodef.
    2) Name one Gadol who supports him.
    3) Sholos Shovous is a medrash, not halacha. You might be confusing it with Sholos Seudos on Shabbos which IS halacha.
    4) The Satmar Rebbe was wrong. He might have been a Tzaddik, but he was wrong. More Torah is being learnt in EY than anywhere else in the world, and than anytime in history. Hashem has consistently sustained the growth of EY in all fields (spiritual and physical) for over 75 years. So if I have to go with Satmar Rebbe’s theories or Hashem’s actions, I’ll go with the latter.
    5) Thank you for your spin on why the Holocaust happened. I will add it to the list. Ever notice how the list is always things OTHER people did?

  16. @KShomron
    I had a friend who went to a seudah in the old city, while we were bochurim there, of a man who is in Neturei Karta.
    When my friend returned and told me where he ate i was horrified and derided his decision, i demanded how he can trust the hechsher of such an individual. Mind you, my friend would be considered, in modern yeshiva parlance, a “chiller”. Not the radical type who would be caught up in this sort of thing.
    And i was blown away by what he told me. He assured me, that he in fact went to this guy as a “chill”, because he was curios what he was like. And then he said this. “i was actually really impressed by what that man had to say for himself. He believes that his going around to people and convincing them that Zionism isnt Judaism is saving lives. as an example, take Iran, where although the government threatens Israel with annihilation, they do not round up and kill the Jews. This man believes that its his efforts in making that distinction that allow for that to be the case”.
    It took me a while to swallow, but eventually i got it. Can you so surely say they are wrong about that?
    Now, i dont condone their methods, and still believe they can do things differently. But how can you know the motive for what they are doing?

  17. Chash – you wrote: “…take Iran, where although the government threatens Israel with annihilation, they do not round up and kill the Jews.” Do you know what the word annihilation means? Why would they partner with a group that wants to annihilate Jews?

  18. You hear that, by encouraging terrorists and spitting on Jews because they are “Zionists” , Jews are being saved…Mental illness to the extreme. Wow, people are so weak in the face of propaganda they can’t think straight. The NKs want the terrorists to take over, Hamas, Iran, Muslims in general…and this will save Jews. Well, what can you say to such stupidity?

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