Liberman Slammed After Tweeting Chanukah Picture With Religious Grandchildren

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Liberman tweeted a picture of himself and his wife with their religious grandchildren on Sunday night in honor of Chanukah and was fiercely attacked by social media users, Kikar Shabbos reported.

Liberman’s critics lashed out at him for the cynicism he displayed by posting a picture of his grandson with a kippah in light of his scathing attacks against the Chareidi and religious communities in Israel.

“Chag Chanukah is about to start and the grandchildren arrived for the lighting of the first candle,” Liberman wrote above the picture. “Great happiness for my wife Ella and I.”

The Chareidi photographer Boaz Ben-Ari referred to the time on Liberman’s watch as seen in the picture: “The grandchildren arrived at 10:15 in the morning to light the candles at 4:30 in the afternoon? You decided to continue with your veiled lies. This is a picture from your archives – no Chanukah and no candles.”

Another respondent wrote: “The Beitar Yerushalayim kippah doesn’t hide the Hellenized grandfather. The irony! Light an X-mas tree.”

Chareidi political commentator and Mishpacha editor Yossi Elituv had a different take on the picture. He retweeted Liberman’s tweet and wrote: “Just in case you weren’t sure who the real Liberman is: the one who posts against shomrei Torah and mitzvos or the one who is surrounded by religious family members on Chanukah. I’m convinced that the traditional Liberman of Chanukah is the real Liberman. All the rest is solely for elections.”

An unexpected response came from Haaretz correspondent, Chaim Levinson, who interestingly was born to an American-Israeli Chareidi family and learned in a Chabad Talmud Torah as a boy. “Liberman has besmirched the Chareidim in a shocking fashion in the past year. Why don’t the Chareidim cut him off like they did to Lapid?”

“It’s okay to spill the blood of Jews who toil in Torah if it’s only for the purpose of elections and his campaign?

[The “Good Old Days” When MK Liberman Boasted About His Link To The Ribnitzer Rebbe]

6 Responses

  1. For shame!! A politician acting politically….as if Bibi doesn’t show up like clockwork wearing a kipah at the home of some gadol for every election, or as we read here last night, meeting with some rav (who was a talmid of the convicted felon Berland) about becoming a “baal tshuvah” prior to going on trial.

  2. Is it not obvious that being against the numerous subsidies hareidim extract for siding with someone to establish a majority is not the same as being anti-Jewish??
    The writers have equated opposition to subsidies with opposition to Judaism.

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