FRIGHTENING REPORT: 6 Out Of 7 Immigrants To Israel Are NOT Jewish

A report published by the NGO Hiddush and released on Monday morning said that six out of seven immigrants who moved to Israel in recent years are not Jewish according to halacha, Maariv reported.

The data shows that 154,474 olim, who were entitled to Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return as family members of Jews but are not Jews themselves, arrived in Israel in the last eight years versus 25,375 olim who are Jewish according to halacha – which means that only 14% of the olim were Jewish.

The data shows that the number of non-Jewish olim has increased far more than the number of Jewish olim from all countries which has had a significant increase in olim in recent years, For example, only one out of 25 Russian olim is recognized as a Jew in Israel (2,244 Jews versus 50,093 non-Jews) and of the Russian olim this year up to October 31, only 1 out of 40 is recognized as a halachic Jew.

From Ukraine, only one out of 12 olim is recognized as Jewish (3,123 Jews out of 34,835 non-Jews) and only one out of 25 of the Ukrainian olim this year was recognized as Jewish.

The data also showed that only 27% of the olim from France are Jewish (7,851 Jews versus 20,825) and surprisingly, only 30% of the olim from the United States (5,487 Jews versus 12,785 non-Jews) were Jewish, with the rest being classified as grandchildren of Jews. However, Nefesh B’Nefesh data contradicted this number, showing that less than 3% of olim from North America were granted citizenship under the grandchild clause, according to The Jerusalem Post.

In summary, only 2,031 Jews made aliyah to Israel in 2019 versus 20,948 non-Jews.

Hiddush, a Reform NGO, gathered the data by filing a freedom of information request to Israel’s Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration, which operates under the auspices of the Interior Ministry.

Hiddush’s president, Uri Regev, utilized the report data to attack Israel’s Rabbanut. “The data illustrates how urgent the need is for Israel to free itself of the yoke of the Rabbanut and religious coercion,” Regev said.

“The state of Israel must extend full and equal recognition to all the conversion processes accepted by the Jewish people and which the Chareidi Rabbanut refuses to recognize, whether they’re modern Orthodox conversions or whether they’re conversions of the non-Orthodox movements.”

“We must allow civil marriage and divorce since the current religious coercion rejects thousands of citizens, whose numbers rise every year – a basic human right to establish a family in their homeland.”

The Law of Return was originally passed in 1950 to allow all Jews to immigrate to Israel, with Jews being defined according to the halachic definition. In 1970, despite the opposition of rabbanim from all streams of frumkeit, the Law of Return was amended to include non-Jewish relatives of Jews, specifically spouses of Jews and children and grandchildren of Jews as well as the spouses of the children and grandchildren.

A spokesperson for the Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration responded to the report, saying that Hiddush’s data is inaccurate. “The data will be examined again and an update will be publicized once the examination is complete.”

Additionally, data from the Central Bureau of Statistics revealed a lower number of non-Jewish olim, with 54% non-Jewish olim in 2018, the Jerusalem Post reported.

It should be noted that a Makor Rishon report earlier this month said that thousands of immigrants from Russia come to Israel only to receive an Israeli passport and immediately move back to Russia.

The report said that an entire industry assisting Russians to receive expedited Israeli citizenship has been established in Russia since an Israeli law was passed allowing new olim to receive a passport within the first three months of their aliyah.

Russian companies promise Russians that they will receive Israeli citizenship within two days (to the tune of thousands of euros.) The report estimated that about 8,500 Russian “olim” received their passports and immediately left Israel, with some not even leaving Ben Gurion Airport.

According to Makor Rishon: “For many in the post-Soviet world, an Israeli passport is considered as desirable as a European Union passport is to Israelis.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

27 Responses

  1. You can’t be partially pregnant. You are either pregnant or you are not. You are Jewish or you are not. Reform is not Judaism. If you want to become Jewish, do it correctly.

  2. This is why the Lubavitcher Rebbe tz”l spoke so frequently and passionately about the issue of מיהו יהודי. Now there’s a tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

  3. 1. An Israeli a passport means you are considered suspect in many if not most countries. It is useful only if you want to get into Israel.

    2. Given that non-orthodox Jews have been routinely intermarrying for over a century, it is not surprising that if one excludes Jews who are Shomer Mitsvos, a high percentage of persons of Jewish descent are not Jews.

    3. Most zionists welcome them since they hope to offset the demographic threat to zionism posed by the frum birthrate.

  4. While they might not be considered Jewish by Orthodox standards, the fact is that Amalekites don’t care about what halacha says who is Jewish. The law of return was set up so that those Jewish enough to be persecuted by the Amalekites have a safe place.

  5. Hiddush is the premier location for false news and for surveys that always reflect their far-leftist, anti-religious viewpoint.

  6. This data for this report was already retracted. The correct data shows 35% goyim overall mostly from FSU. 95% of olim from US are halachic Jews and 96% from France.

  7. The secular people in the government have created chaos by enabling non-Jews ( including Christian Ethiopians) to flood Israel. Lieberman and his non-Jewish voters have created havoc in the government. They, and all illegals from South America, need to be shipped back right where they came from

  8. Israel is not America. Israel geographically intersects THREE collapsing continents. (Yes, that includes the collapsing continent of Europe.)
    Israel is too small of a country to serve as an Ellis Island-like haven for the Reform movement’s beloved economic refugees.

    If the chiloni High Court was to grant “Tikkun Olam” JINO’s the licensure to perform their watered-down conversions on olim chadashim, then that will dangerously
    annex the #SorosFunded Migrant Crisis into Israel!

    A. Rosman

  9. Article picture has a LY 747; EL Al has retired all five 747s in their fleet so this immigration disparity should no longer be an issue

  10. These numbers are very suspicious. It appears that the majority of North American olim are observant – not just Jewish. As this is a very serious issue, with serious implications, a careful review of these statistics should be conducted by a respected commission.

  11. Most immigrants are from FSU so these numbers are valid. Doesn’t matter that two or three YU grads will immigrate from Teaneck this year. A million have come from FSU and most are not Jewish. This has been known for decades. So we see that not only does the mistake of israel fill the land with sinners, and put Jews in danger all over the world, but it doesn’t even solve the intermarriage problem.

  12. Laq of return needs to be changed. Mazis persecuted people that had 1 Jewish grandparent. Israel should stop offering refuge at that level. The fact that a non Jew with one Jewish grandparent can make Aliyah with his or her non Jewish grand children and the gramd children spouses is ridiculous. Vice has a video on YouTube showing an extended devoted Christian extended family from Ukraine making Aliyah based on the law of return just for economical reasons.

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