MK Gideon Sa’ar: How I Started Being Shomer Shabbos

MK Gideon Sa’ar who is running against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for leadership of the Likud on Thursday, was interviewed together with his wife by Yediot Achronot over the weekend.

Sa’ar’s wife, Geula Even-Sa’ar, is a well-known media personality and TV anchorwoman in Israel. She and Sa’ar were both married to others previously, had children and got divorced. Later, they met and got married in 2013 and had two children together.

During the interview, Sa’ar said that he began being shomer Shabbos before the bris of his son Dovid. “Before the bris, I said that I wanted to be the sandek for my son but the Rav told me that the sandek has to be shomer Shabbos. At that moment I decided to begin being shomer Shabbos.”

“I feel like my Shabbos is better now,” Sa’ar said. “I’m not religious and I don’t follow a religious lifestyle but I’m traditional and a ma’amin.

Sa’ar’s wife Geula doesn’t keep Shabbos but the couple said that this doesn’t pose a problem. “Our home is pluralistic,” Sa’ar said. “She respects me and I respect her.”

Geula added: “I don’t view it as a problem that my husband and I have different lifestyles. I don’t see observing Shabbos as a sacrifice, only as a pleasure. He observes and I’m respectful. We make kiddush. The children know that Abba rests on Shabbos while we go out. We also have a lot of guests.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Mr. Sa’ar doesn’t consider himself religious. What makes one religious? Mr. Sa’ar is doing the great mitzva of Shabbos. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said Jews are like someone on a ladder- someone could be near the top but be stagnant or be going down or someone could be on a lower rank and be moving up.Keep on climbing, Mr. Sa’ar!

  2. Wow beautiful
    So he is a מאמין but isn’t religious. What the heck does that even mean?
    To me it sounds like יודע את בוראו ומכוון למרוד בו.
    Note he doesn’t say not YET religious, which would indicate acknowledgement of the truth but the difficulty in jumping in fully, which as long as he would be working towards that goal would be praiseworthy.
    No. He ”knows and believes in hashem” but he is OK with being ”non-religious ”
    ”traditional ”
    How nice.
    Almost like Netanyahu (if the accusations are true)
    He knows the countries laws, but is OK with not keeping them. He is a ”traditional” politician.
    So Mr saar, remind me again why you feel the need to try to unseat Netanyahu?
    מפרסמים את החיים מפני חילול ה

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