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Peres’ Extravagant 60 Summit

peres2.jpgJerusalem is busy preparing for President Shimon Peres’ 60 conference, the event which addresses “Tomorrow,” our future, an event that compelled Jerusalem Convention Center officials to spend at least $150,000 in renovations to bring it up to snuff for the senior array of politicians expected to grace its halls in the coming days.

Drapes, furniture, sofas and lounge chairs are just a few of the new and improved additions to permit the 120 senior diplomatic officials from around the world to feel ‘at home’ as they enjoy Yerushalayim’s hospitality. Some 400 members of the local and foreign press are expected to cover the event, and thousands of policemen will be assigned to the capital during the conference, which in essence will shut down portions of downtown Jerusalem as was the case during US President George W. Bush’s last visit.

A special press interview corner has been set up in the Inbal Hotel, where a relatively small number of VIPs will be lodged, and at the King David, all guests were compelled to leave on Tuesday morning, as the White House rented the entire hotel. Some feel this is a major good-bye party for Bush, who has a delegation numbering in the hundreds, having rented 50 sedans and 70 vans from Hertz, not to mention the need to hire 100 drivers. This is in addition to the fleet of armored vehicles assigned to the American Embassy and Consulate in Israel – with those vehicles being used to transport the senior members of the presidential entourage. One can only assume that for the outgoing president, this provides an opportunity for him, his senior staff, their aides and their staff to take part in this memorable global event.

Presidential suites are being polished in the finest hotels, as are the ‘regular’ suites, with hotel staff being informed they must be on round-the-clock call to accommodate the VIPs.

For Mr. Peres, it will be a three-day photo-op, but in reality, little will be accomplished in terms ending rocket attacks, reaching an agreement with the PA or bringing Gilad Shalit and the other MIAs and captive soldiers home.

For Jerusalemites, it will be another difficult week, complicating Shabbos preparations as buses are rerouted and the city center becomes a VIP promenade, robbing many stores and businesses of the shoppers who are their livelihood.

Undoubtedly there will be much talk of “peace,” while citing Israel’s outstanding accomplishments during the past six decades, and yes, there are many, but for many residents of the Greater Sderot Area, such an event only serves to put ‘salt on their collective wounds’ since the same government that is funding this extravaganza has repeatedly explained there is a severe shortage of funds to meet the security needs of their area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Here we go again . . . all talk; no action. If Peres had half a brain, and really wanted to accomplish something in his life, he would donate part of his personal fortune as well as organising funds for the poor, for Sderot and other “border” localities; for education – oy – I thought he had done tshuvah!

  2. 1. how About his multimillion dollar “birthday” party a few years ago? (it was really electioneering for his current presidency) cost the govt several million $ (back when dollars were worth something)

    2. my father owns stock in binyanei ha’uma (dont ask why). i checked into it a few years ago — found out it NEVER paid dividends, in over 50 fifty years!

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