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Shkedy Steps Down After 4 Years Leading the Air Force

After four years as commander-and-chief of the Israel Air Force, Major-General Eliezer stepped down on Monday, expressing satisfaction for the honor and privilege of leading Israel’s air force, stating confidently that he leaves the force in top condition – prepared to face the threats that are Israel’s current realities.

Shkedy diplomatically avoided discussion on matters that are best left unsaid, but he did tactfully hint at the fact that bombing Syria’s nuclear reactor was the right move at the right time.

The outgoing commander stated there can be no doubt that the number one threat facing Israel today is Iran, explaining that the air force is ready and the Iranian threat is being taken most seriously.

He stated Iran is working in earnest to continue advancing ballistic missiles, its army and air force, and he and the air are doing their utmost to provide a response to the growing threats.

Regarding questions of a possible need for a future offensive against Iran, he stated, “In the region, reality exceeds all imagination.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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