BIZCHUS RAV NACHMAN BEN FAIGA? PM Netanyahu And Wife Secretly Meet With Rabbi Shalom Arush

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah have been holding secret meetings in recent weeks with one of the more influential members of the Breslov Chassidim who is also very involved in bringing Ba’alei Teshuva back into the fold.

According to a report that appeared in BeChadrei Charedim on Sunday, the couple met Rabbi Shalom Arush after the indictment letter against Netanyahu was presented to him by the Attorney General. Members of the Rabbis court kept the meeting a complete secret.

The meeting which took place in the official Prime Minister’s Residence on Balfour Street in Yerushalayim lasted for more than three hours. It is unclear who initiated the meeting, but it has been made known that during the meeting, politics were not discussed. Rabbi Arush spoke with the couple and offered them strength in light of their legal troubles.

Members of Rabbi Arush’s court refused to confirm any details saying only “We do not comment on the people that the Rabbi meets with.”

Likewise, no response to the publication has been forthcoming from the Prime Minister’s office.

Arush has authored many works which have been translated from Hebrew into English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, and Yiddish by Rabbi Lazer Brody who claims that combined, they have sold more than a million copies.

Arush was one of nine children born to his parents in the town of Beni Mellal, Morocco. He learned in the local Jewish Alliance school and studied Hebrew in the evenings. His eldest brother married and immigrated to Israel before the rest of the family; Arush, his parents, and other siblings immigrated to Israel when he was 13.

The family settled in Petah Tikva, where his parents enrolled Arush in a state-religious school; he later attended a secular high school. In 1970 he joined the Israel Defense Forces as an airborne combat medic, taking part in many missions, including missions during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. During that time, five of his closest friends were killed in a helicopter crash while carrying out an army mission. This event was one of the catalysts for his personal teshuva.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. No surprises here. Rabbeinu says “לעתיד כל העולם יהיו אנשי ברסלב כמו שכתוב והסירותי את לב האבן מבשרכם ונתתי לכם לב בשר”

  2. No surprises here. Rabbeinu says “לעתיד כל העולם יהיו אנשי ברסלב כמו שכתוב והסירותי את לב האבן מבשרכם ונתתי לכם לב בשר”
    Translates to
    “In the future the whole world will be people of breslov like the pasuk says I will remove the heart of stone from within your flesh and I will give you a heart made of flesh”

  3. “which have been translated from Hebrew into English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, and Yiddish by Rabbi Lazer Brody”

    My understanding is that Rabbi Brody, shlita, did only the English translations, while the others were done by speakers of those languages. It should be noted that before the municipal elections about six years ago then Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul took a day off from a hectic and very tight campaign to go to Uman, and made a promise that if he won he would come back soon after the elections. Then when he did win one of the first things he did was too book a ticket back to Uman. My guess is that Rav Arush would certainly encourage him to go, and also that he would keep it very quiet if he did. It’s a big place for yeshuos.

  4. “He is a talmid of Berland” this is correct. And I beleive he still holds by him to this day Rachmana letzlan. If this is what some people think is some kind of leader we are up the creek without a paddle. Mashiach is sorely needed. I used to identify with Breslov but then I matured in my search for depth. As far as lev basar goes I know a good number of Breslovers and their heart are no different than anybody else’s. It is juvenile to get your excitement in Judaism from slogans. Get out of yourself and breath!

  5. Questionable,
    So what, he was a talmid of his well before berland, (who isn’t a rabbi), lost his mind. When berland started all his nonsense, he immediately left him, and has in fact come out and said some very strong things against him, so he is no longer a talmid of berland!

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