26 Murderous Terrorists to be Released by Israel

biblThe cabinet has authorized a team of ministers to deal with the release of terrorists during the negotiations with the PA (Palestinian Authority). The ministerial committee convened Sunday evening 5 Elul 5773. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon chaired the discussion; Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Science, Technology & Space Minister Yaakov Peri also participated, as did representatives of the Prison Service, the Justice Ministry, the IDF and other agencies.

The committee approved the release of 26 prisoners, which is published on the prison service website. See the official list furnished by the prison service. Bereaved families that have requested advanced notification were informed to permit them adequate time to turn to the judicial system in an effort to prevent the release.

The list includes 14 prisoners who will be transferred to Gaza and 12 from Yehuda and Shomron. Eight prisoners on the list were due to be released in the next three years and two in the next six months. The prisoner release will be carried out at least 48 hours after the list will have been published. It was emphasized in the aforesaid discussion that that if any of the released prisoners return to hostile activity against the State of Israel, they will be returned to continue serving their sentences.

The terrorists slated for release in stage one are:

1. Kor Mattawa Hamad Faiz, jailed since ’85, for the murder of Menachem Dadon and attempted murder of Salomon Abekasis.

2. Salah Ibrahim Ahmad Mughdad, jailed since ’93, for the murder of Israel Tannenbaum.

3. Nanish Naif Abdel Jafar Samir, jailed since ’89, for the murder of Binyamin Meisner.

4. Arshid Hamid Yousef Yousef, jailed since ’93, for the murder of Nadal Rabu Ja’ab, Adnan Ajad Dib, Mufid Cana’an, Tawafiq Jaradat and Ibrahim Sa’id Ziwad.

5. Al Haj Othman Amar Mustafa, jailed since ’89, for the murder Steven Frederick Rosenfeld.

6. Maslah Abdallah Salama Salma, jailed since ’93, for the murder of Reuven David.

7. Abu Moussa Salam Ali Atiya, jailed since ’94, for the murder Isaac Rotenberg.

8. Maqlad Mahmoud Zaid Salah, jailed since ’93, for the murder of Yeshayahu Deutsch.

9. Sawalha Bad Almajed Mahmad Mahmad, jailed since ’93 for the murder of Baruch Heisler, and attempted murder of Betty Malka, Shai Cohen, Avishag Cohen.

10. Shaath Azath Shaaban Attaf, jailed since ’93, for being the accessory to the murder of Simcha Levy.

11. Abdel Aal Sa’id Ouda Yousef, jailed since ’94, for throwing explosives, accessory to the murder of Ian Feinberg and Sami Ramadan.

12. Barbakh Faiz Rajab Madhat, jailed since ’94, for the murder of Moshe Becker.

13. Raai Ibrahim Salam Ali, jailed since ’94, for the murder of Morris Eisenstatt.

14. Nashbat Jabir Yousef Mahmad, jailed since ’90, for being an accessory to the murder of Amnon Pomerantz.

15. Mortja Hasin Ganim Samir, jailed since ’93, for abduction, interrogation through torture, and murder of Samir Alsilawi, Khaled Malka, Nasser Aqila, Ali al Zaabot.

16. Sawalha Faz Ahmad Husni, jailed since ’90, for the murder of Heisler Baruch.

17. Ramahi Salah Abdallah Faraj, jailed since ’92, for the murder of Avraham Kinstler.

18. Abu Satta Ahmad Sa’id Aladdin, jailed since 1994, for the murder of David Dadi and Chaim Weizman.

19. Abu Sita Talab Mahmad Ayman, jailed since 1994, for the murder of David Dadi and Chaim Weizman.

20. Mansur Omar Abdel Hafiz Asmat, jailed since 1993, for being an accessory to the murder of Chaim Mizrahi.

21. Asqara Mahmad Ahmad Khalid, jailed in ’91, for the murder of Annie Ley.

22. Janadiya Yousef Radwan Nahad, jailed since ’89, for the murder of Zalman Shlein.

23. Hamadiah Mahmoud Awad Muhammad, jailed since ’89, for the murder of Zalman Shlein.

24. Abdel Nabi A. Wahab Jamal Jamil, jailed since ’92, for the murder of Shmuel Gersh.

25. Ziwad Muhammad Taher Taher, jailed since ’93, for the murder of Avraham Cohen.

26. Sabih Abed Hamed Borhan, jailed since ’01, for the murder of Jamil Muhammad Naim Sabih, Aisha Abdullah Haradin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Can we expect anything better from Jewish leaders whose heart and soul is stuffed with nevelut and trefut and are out to destroy Torah and Jews?

    Such heartless Jews wouldn’t even have a problem releasing Eichman yms”h. What do they care? As long as these terrorists didn’t murder anyone in their family.

  2. BiBi lost a brother in battle. Why i am baffled and disgusted at why he is allowing this seemingly clearly forbidden act, one must wonder what is going on behind the curtain.

  3. To the Editor –

    Did you have to choose the picture you did of Netanyahu? Do you really think the Prime Minister, as the brother of someone killed by terrorists, is laughing about the release of murderers? Your choice of this picture is the essence of yellow journalism – using an image to imply something that is just not true. This is not what I would expect from a news site that purports to represent Torah values – such as Emmes.

    an Israeli Yid

  4. Oh, I’m sorry “AThought”, I thought it was their “neveilut and treifut” “Torah destroying” Medinah and army that catch these people to begin with, the ones who, while Torah does spiritually protect us, they physically do, long with many shomrei Torah uMitzvot. If you are so someich on nissim then perhaps never go to a doctor again, and try not eating food – you acknowledge these murderes are trying to kill us simply because we’re Jews and they engage in Michemet Mitzvah to protect us. Before calling them names, why don’t you put on a uniform, put your life on the line to protect any and all Yidden no matter who they are because these murderous dogs are out there – and then you can can have a say on the matter of whether freeing prisoners in a complicated situation is correct or not. Disclaimer: I do disagree with this release of prisoners.

  5. To # 1 A Thought –

    Do you really think that the fact that someone is not (yet) Shomer Torah uMitzvos means that they are devoid of human feeling? Netanyahu, more than most other leaders of Israel, is aware of the cost of terrorism – his own brother was killed by terrorists. While you and I agree that these murderers should never see the light of day again, there are reasons that Netanyahu, despite, I’m sure, similar feelings, believes that he is currently compelled to release them. Attributing the release to a lack of understanding due to their hearts and souls being “stuffed with Nevelut and Trefut” is fallacious at best and mendacious at worse.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. #4 You don’t make sense. They catch these terrorist and lock them up in a revolving door jail. Why should bnei Torah or any religious Jews fight for a medinah who have corrupt retarded anti-Torah leaders and if G-d forbid you kill 1 terrorist “you” are put on trial and jailed for who knows how long?

    #5 If you’d learn Gemara you’d learn that it’s Chazal who say that eating nevelut and trefut metamtem et halev, corrupts the heart and contaminates the intellect. Here we see this Chazal clearly. Releasing terrorists who killed his own brothers can only be done by people who are missing some screws in order to appease the US. Sheer nuts!

    May Hashem avenge the blood of these Kedoshim.

  7. #1- You once again have shown how ignorant and disgusting your comments are. Do you think that those who EXECUTED Eichmann did not eat treifus?

    Is it possible that Netanyahu is under intense US pressure to release these murderers? I believe he is. While I certainly don’t agree with releasing murderers, I would not want to be in his shoes and have to make these terribly difficult decisions. Then again, you don’t care about that, because you don’t need US assistance. You would LIKE to see the medinah go under.

  8. #6 A Thought – I don’t question the Gemara, I question your application of it in this situation. You accuse the leadership of the State of Israel of having no feelings, which allows them to release the murderers in question. Attributing a lack of Siata D’Shmaya to the fact that someone is an “Ochel Neveilos uTreifos” is fine, but your attribution of “no feelings” is just flat-out wrong.

    and BTW, I agree with #4 as well.

    an Israeli Yid

  9. It’s interesting that they are releasing 26 prisoners. Why? Because 26 is the numbercal value of י-ה-ו-ה!!! Perhaps, Hashem is sending us message through the event of these prisoners being released. The question is, “what is the message?” Obviously doing teshuvah b’ahavah (which is accomplished through simcha) versus teshuvah b’yirah (which is much harder to accomplish). Besides doing teshuvah which everybody needs to do, I can’t pinpoint the exact message Hashem is sending through the releasing of these 26 prisoners.

  10. #4- According to this past week’s parsha, he should NOT put on a uniform. “Umi ha’ish hayarei v’rach ha’layvov, yeileich v’yoshov l’veiso, v’lo yimas es l’vav echov kilvavo”.

    The only possible explanation for his extremely antipathetical comments about the IDF is that he and others like him are trying to hide their cowardice. The IDF does not need such people, nor would I want such a guy in a foxhole next to my nephews.

  11. #AThought: Firstly, I don’t agree with the way the government treats terrorists, I personally think they should be executed, as the Torah dictates. However, the government does actively pursue these terrorists, and although often for political or security concerns releases them (which again I disagree with), they nonetheless do constantly and every day protect every Jew in Israel – which is the mitzvah, literally Lo Saamod al dam re’echa and Milchemes Mitzvah as defined by the Rambam.
    As per your rechilus on all of the “secular” Jews in Israel, try this, just one example, your’s of treifus and neveilos: In this great land of the free, 87%, Rachmana litzlan, of ALL JEWS do not keep kosher. Thanks to the hakamas Hamedina, in the Jewish State, 34% of “secular” Jews keep kosher – which means than only about 35-40%, a mi’ut of Israelis don’t keep kosher.

  12. Would Netanyahu free Nazis who WANTED to destroy us Jews
    So why would Netanyahu free Arabs who STILL WANT to destroy us Jews?!?!?!

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