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Hamas Refuses to Buckle Under Pressure

Hamas officials in Gaza have announced on Tuesday that IDF captive soldier Gilad Shalit will not be part of a ceasefire agreement at this time, despite demands to the contrary by Israel and Egypt.

Mahmoud Zahar stated that Shalit’s release will carry a price and he will not be part of a ceasefire at this time.

Hamas is not backing down despite Israeli officials insisting the terror organization needs the ceasefire badly to lick its wounds. Despite statements by cabinet ministers that the IDF has inflicted pain on Hamas leaders and the terror organization’s infrastructure, in actuality, Hamas has increased the frequency of attacks, pounding the Greater Sderot Area with mortars, Kassam and Grad rockets, claiming two lives in recent days, leaving others injured, and causing significant property damage.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday told visiting Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman that if the rocket attacks continue, Israel will move to a more comprehensive military operation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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