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Poll Compares Results with Likud Headed by Netanyahu or Saar

With time running out until the announcement to dissolve the Knesset, on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, KAN11 news released a poll that shows with Likud headed by Gideon Saar and not PM Binyamin Netanyahu, the party receives fewer seats as a result.

The poll was released on Monday evening, showing Likud receives 34 seats if headed by PM Netanyahu while Blue & White receives 35.

Blue & White 35
Likud 34 (Netanyahu)
Joint Arab List 13
Yahadut Hatorah 8
Shas 8
Yisrael Beitenu 7
New Right 6
Labor/Gesher 5
Democratic Camp 4
Bayit Yehudi 0
Otzma Yehudit 0

Right-wing/chareidi bloc: 56

Blue & White 33
Likud 32 (Saar)
Joint Arab List 13
Shas 9
Yahadut Hatorah 8
Yisrael Beitenu 8
New Right 6
Labor/Gesher 5
Democratic Camp 4
Bayit Yehudi 0
Otzma Yehudit 0

Right-wing/chareidi bloc: 55

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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