Lieberman Remains Confident a Right-Wing Government Can be Established if the Charedim Show Flexibility

Attorney and publicist Nadav Haetzni met with the chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu party, MK Avigdor Lieberman, and announced that “the political process of the chairman of Yisrael Beitenu is not a mystery at all, and a narrow right-wing government can be formed.”

Haetzni was interviewed by Arutz-7, clearly sending a message that elections can and should be avoided and the effort must be made to establish a narrow right-wing government.

He explained that since the first coalition talks exploded after the first election, for the 21st Knesset, in April 2019, “I have been asking myself if we have a far-reaching mystery ahead of us, and there are also claims, probably fairly well-founded claims, that there is also bad blood between Lieberman and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Lieberman wishes to unseat Netanyahu from the political arena”.

Haetzni seems to evaluate the situation somewhat differently. He feels the tzibur has placed on emphasis on Lieberman’s desire to oust Netanyahu and his willingness to enter into a minority government with Blue & White. “I suggest that we listen to what he says” Haetzni emphasizes, adding, “He espouses a hashkafa that is in line with a broad tzibur in Israel, including the right-wing tzibur which is not close to the chareidim. This is not however the hashkafa of some of Netanyahu’s coalition, which is chareidi”.

He points out the moderate draft bill was accepted to all, including the chareidim, “until the Gerre Rebbe Shlita came” Haetzni explained, then backing Lieberman regarding giyur and taking exclusivity away from the Chief Rabbinate, pointing out that in 1994, during the Rabin administration; the prime minister paid the chareidim for supporting Oslo in exchange for the government prohibiting rabbonim of cities performing giyur. “This creates a problem as 100,000s of Israelis are not considered Jews”, Haetzni laments.

Haetzni, a well-known and respected right-wing voice in Israel, certainly places the blame on the chareidim, adding there is a certain number among the chareidim who are unwilling to participate in sharing the burden under any circumstance. He also feels the lack of agreement vis-à-vis the draft bill is due to the refusal of the chareidi parties to exhibit flexibility.

He expresses confidence that “Ayelet”, referring to the chairwoman of the New Right party, MK Ayelet Shaked, would agree with his assessment, that there is definitely a possibility of solving the issues at hand. Etzion points out that he is not requesting that Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman change his lifestyle in any way, but in return, the tzibur is asking the chareidim not to seek to impose their lifestyle on the greater tzibur, including opposition to rabbonim in cities performing giyur, citing Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, and the rabbonim of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization.

Haetzni told the media the meeting was held at the behest of Lieberman, “because he is well-aware of my hashkafa…”

Regarding Lieberman, Haetzni calls him “more right-wing than Bibi, and did more for settlements than other defense ministers”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “if the Charedim Show Flexibility” says Liberman….

    but what about Liberman showing flexibility and sitting with the charadim???
    OOOOOPS, we don’t talk about that!

  2. What a sleeze Liberman is! He’s the one who needs to be flexible.If he wants to de-judeize Israel let him go back to Russia.Plenty of anti-religious folk there.

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