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Hikind & Rabbi Fendel Share Facts on the Ground in Sderot

hikind sderot.jpg“Hamas wants Sderot to burn with Kassams. Rabbi Fendel and the Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot make sure that Sderot burns – with the fire of Torah and scholarship,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn). On his weekly program, The Dov Hikind Show, which airs Saturday nights on 570AM WMCA at 11:00 p.m., Dov asked Rabbi Fendel how his wife deals with the red dawn siren which alerts residents to incoming Kassams. Rabbi Fendel detailed how his wife did not strap his newborn child into a car seat, and that was lucky because the red alert sounded and she had just seconds to extricate the infant immediately and seek cover. “She’s amazing,” Rabbi Fendel says of his Rebbitzen, “I’m the one with the fear.”

Rabbi Fendel profoundly impressed the studio audience and the listeners with his faith, “We’re building a community center, a yeshiva and shul complex with a concrete 1500 ton ceiling to thwart Kassams. There’s so much building going on in Sderot. There’s life. There’s hope. Torah flourishes in Sderot.” And it is elevated Jewish scholarship, with guest speakers who are the brightest Torah minds of the generation.

Rabbi Fendel spoke of his five-year-old who knows the safest places to find shelter when he hears the telltale whoosh of incoming rockets. He spoke of a newlywed young man who chose to spend his break bein hasedorim in yeshiva catching another page of Gemorrah, while at that same moment in time a Kassam landed in his living room.

“Sderot is the city of miracles, and miraculous individuals whose faithfulness to G-d is extraordinary,” Hikind adds. “I spent part of Purim in Sderot with Rabbi Fendel and I was captivated by his sincerity and generosity of spirit. With his face alight with the glow of a Torah scholar, he is the life and breath of Yeshiva Hesder Sderot, as the Yeshiva is the lifeblood of Sderot. Sderot is the city where our patriarchs and matriarchs walked 5,000 years ago. Rabbi Fendel says that Hamas will be able to see this new shul in Khan Younis, its stately facade rising on the landscape. They cannot scare Rabbi Fendel or his five year old off, and Hamas will not succeed in burning Sderot. Sderot continues to burn, but it is with the fire of Torah.”

We can be a partner in perpetuating the Torah scholarship of Yeshivat Hesder Sderot by participating in their dinner, this June 4th. Help us build Sderot, taller, more stately, safer and stronger than ever and keep the flame of Torah aglow. For further information please call: 718-853-9616.

One Response

  1. Dear Duv,
    It’s a pleasure for Aaron and me to be involved with the Yeshiva on such a day to day basis. The work you and your staff and bochrim do is amazing as we sit here in comfortable NJ. It’s worthwhile for everyone to come see and hear about it all at the dinner this June 4th at the Mariott in NYC. Come! Regards to Mechi! Devorah

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