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Accused Neturei Karta Spy Remains Behind Bars

jail3The 46-year-old bal teshuvah accused of attempting to spy against Israel for Ian was remanded on Monday morning, 29 Menachem Av 5773. The suspect, identified as a member of Neturei Karta, moved to Eretz Yisrael as a child from Morocco. He was remanded before the Jerusalem District Court, which ordered he would remain in custody as the investigation against him continues. The remand extension is for two days.

Defense attorney Yair Nehorai told the court his client has not been permitted to meet with him for four days after being arrested. The court agreed to hold another hearing on Wednesday, 1 Elul to determine if the suspect will be evaluated by a court appointed psychiatrist. It was revealed that the alleged spy was discharged from the IDF due to mental issues.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Sounds like a zionist who became disillusioned with zionism after being in the army (not uncommon, I heard a joke that the IDF is Neturei karta’s recruiter — referring to normal as opposed to the handful of frum units). The “mental” profile is a typical way of disposing of dissidents (rather than court martially them for insubordination).

    But it doesn’t sound like a typical Neturei Karta person (a Moroccan?). Fellow traveller yes, or maybe a wannabee, but more than that would be unlikely (even ignoring that the rabbanim behind Neturei Karta have always emphasized non-violence). However if he dresses “normal”, he might be useful as a spy (YWN shows pictures of someone in traditional hareidi costume – but that might not be the case).

  2. Actually, this now makes sense. The guy has mental issues and he’s part of Neturei Karta. That seems to go hand in hand.

  3. Probably a Shin-Bet guy dressed like a NK. like the guy who killed Rabin. Whoever heard of a Baal Teshuva becoming a Neteurei Karta???

  4. I never knew that Neturei Karta welcomed non Eastern Europeans. I hope he’s being giver mehadrin glatt kosher food from the appropriate schitah.

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