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Lapid’s Tenure as Chairman of Yesh Atid Party is Extended

The Yesh Atid party, headed by MK Yair Lapid, was set to hold party primary elections for a first time before the 23rd Knesset.

Israel News12 political correspondent Amit Segal tweeted that primaries are scheduled to take place as per party regulations. Party officials were quick to address Segal’s message, and cited that the current political situation is unique as the current and previous Knessets did not last as no government was formed. Hence, the party decided to extend Yair Lapid’s tenure as leader until the end of the 25th Knesset.

Party officials were quick to amend the party’s charter following Segal’s tweet, and Lapid is now secure in his slot until the end of the 25th Knesset.

Many accuse Lapid, who holds the second slot on the Blue & White list, of sabotaging efforts to bring Blue & White on board to a national unity coalition government with Likud. In addition, the chareidi parties have boycotted entering into and coalition for as long as Yair Lapid is a member of the same coalition.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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