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Arabs Destroy Jewish Cemetery in Shomron

cemetery vand.jpgArabs during the night, Sunday night to Monday morning, destroyed the cemetery of Yishuv Eli, located in the Benjamin Regional Council district of Shomron.

A yishuv official told YWN that it appears the Arabs were “keeping on eye on the cemetery” as workers over the last weeks completed some major improvements, including the dedication of a monument in memory of Captain Amichai Merchavia HY”D, a young man who grew up in the community and fell in battle in Bint Jbeil in the Second Lebanon War. The monument for him was dedicated just last week. The nearby grave of a terror victim, Gila Kessler HY”D was also destroyed, as were all the tombstones at the location.

The cemetery, which has 15-20 graves, is located outside the boundary of the community numbering some 750 families, out of sight, making it a relatively easy target for the vandals, who according to the report destroyed every tombstone and the infrastructure in the cemetery.

Police, the IDF and local community officials are investigating.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. As a light unto the nations, we should counter such abhorrent behavior with constructive acts of Chesed. I propose we begin helping the neighboring Arab population build new cemeteries.

  2. Asra Kadisah may not concern themselves with kevarim that are in ‘Arab contested land’, quite a rachmanos.
    cornbread – i am 4 that 1, gr8 idea.

  3. As I have unfortunately commented before, I takes a really tough guy to beat up on the tombstone of a dead man. I’m sure they’re very proud of themselves y”sh.

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