Anti-Vaxxers Attempt To Infiltrate Yerushalayim English Speaking Community

Leaders of the anti-vaxx movement have been chased out from Jewish communities across North America. Now, they are trying their luck in Jerusalem.

Using various secretive methods, the group has surfaced in Yerushalayim, hiding behind the innocuous sounding name: Ezrat Menachem. Using email and social media, they have publicized an event this week featuring one of the most outrageous anti-vaxx activists, huckster Del Bigtree. Bigtree is a huckster who is famous for promulgating the disproven link between autism and vaccines.

Promoters of the event have gone to great lengths to keep the location secret. Participants are asked to register and have been told that they will be notified of the location on the day of the event. We can now exclusively report that the event is slated to take place at the Jerusalem Garden Hotel, at 745 PM on Wednesday Nov 19.

Rabbonim of the English-speaking community in Yerushalayim are incensed that this debunked philosophy is being brought to the Holy City. They have called for protests outside the hotel during the event. Additionally, community leaders are urging people to contact the Jerusalem Garden Hotel at 02-655-8888 or [email protected].

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. Great idea, im going to call the hall and thank them for hosting an informative event suporting vaccine injured children and helping parents learn how to heal them. Thanks for let is know about this event.

  2. Look at this article, “Promoters of the event have gone to great lengths to keep the location secret.” Or, “called for protests outside the hotel” etc. Isn’t the tone of this article alone enough reason for the organizers to feel a need to keep the location underwraps until 24 hours beforehand? This is an educational event, agree or disagree, but hear out the facts from both sides. The provax side is out there and well known. What does the other side have to say for itself? Not what the provax side has to say about them, but what do they say themselves.

  3. “This is an educational event, agree or disagree, but hear out the facts from both sides.”

    I presume your childrens’ yeshiva invites reform rabbis and messianic Jewish Christians to allow your bocherim to hear all sides.

    These people want to create more dead Jews.

  4. world’s most biased and unprofessional news source strikes again
    and what do you call pharmaceutical advertising in the billions? is that infiltration?

  5. Thanks for advertising this important event, so many people are now aware that there are problems, and we’re going to bring a bus full of people from Beit Shemesh to support these kids and learn more, Thanks Yeshiva world news.

  6. There are legitimate questions about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. These are questions being asked by medical professionals and scientists. Ad hominem and sarcastic remarks do not add clarity to the issue. Are you really qualified to have an opinion on this topic? Do you have the necessary medical or scientific training to judge who has a legitimate point of view and who is a quack? If not, please refrain from such yellow journalism. Furthermore, even the flat Earth people have a right to meet and present their ideas without being harassed.

  7. The story opens with the statement: “Leaders of the anti-vaxx movement have been chased out from Jewish communities across North America.” Of course, I have no way of knowing which “leaders” were expelled from which Kehillos. But regardless of certain people being “chased out from” their communities, the clear fact remains that the movement of skepticism and opposition of vaccinations is most absolutely, VERY much alive and well and growing!! Those thousands of the movement’s people — no, they DID NOT see some “tinfoil hat” website about it. In fact, they did not even NEED to see ANY website or book or pamphlet or other literature piece about it, for instead, they themselves DIRECTLY SAW exactly what vaccinations are.

    Each one of them directly saw that when his or her child was born, the baby was alive and vibrant and well; everything was perfectly fine, and everything was going perfectly fine. Then came the big day when the infant was brought to the pediatrician’s office for “his shots” or “her shots.” Mere seconds after the injections, the baby started screaming; he or she started screaming — and continued screaming after being brought of the office and after being put in the car and after being brought home and after being put in his or her crib — the most piercing, blood curdling screams. By the evening, the infant was violently shaking and going into unstoppable convulsions. Rushing to the hospital did not help too much, for the ER doctors were at a total loss as to what to do. By the morning though, he or she is quiet; finally, everything is completely quiet.


    In the cases where the child did not actually die, he or she is still often massively crippled, with being unable to walk or unable to talk or unable to move or unable to do anything.

  8. Aryeh:

    Everyone has the right to present ideas without harassment. There is a distinct difference between this issue and flat earth stuff. If any group can convince people the earth is flat, there is no harm done, save that of the ingestion of pure stupidity. No one takes risks, no one puts others in danger. The vaxx issue is very different. Not vaxxing exposes multiple children to significant risk, and the proof of the recent measels outbreak is undeniable. The autism theory was debunked long ago, when even the purveyor of it confessed to fabrication of data. To sit by idly and watch another sizable segment of the community be fed this diet of misinformation with the known stakes is unacceptable. I am no fan of protests and demonstrations, which accomplish far more for the media thirst for drama. But to proclaim this event as insignificant is a mistake. The anti-vaxx movement meets all the criteria for a cult. If it was only about a minhag that one can “take it or leave it”, I might see the publicity and crack a smile. With the involved risks, the cult-like efforts to convince others, the gullibility of so many of our own, and the complete lie that this a religious issue (implying that following the anti-vaxx direction is somehow Ratzon Hashem), there is some threat to Klal Yisroel by this event.

  9. The Little I Know:
    Your name says it all!
    Cause looks like you don’t even know that Dr. Plotkin – The brainstorm of all the late vaccines – said clearly in court that there is NO proof that the vaccines are safe, there is no proof that vaccines don’t cause autism, and the HSS was even sworn in court that they did no research on vaccine safety for the past 30 years. the only proof right now are those innocent children that got injured cause of the vaccines.
    With out jumping up right away, think one minute, every person that is above 65 years is a big cost for the government ans the taxes paid in as SS are all used up and the government doesn’t have the money to pay it off, so whats their plan ???? Think of it…… how many people ”suddenly” just …… fill in the blanks yourself…

  10. While not everyone agrees if vaccines are safe to be administered to children, I think we can all agree that there is room for improvement in quality and safety.

    By calling people quacks for opposing vaccines, & pushing those with side effect aside, we do ourselves harm as there is less pressure on the pharmaceutical companies to do the proper research & make the vaccines more safe.

    (Why would they fix the issues if they are “immune to lawsuits” & public pressure is suppressed?)

    A better approach would be to say “we know its a necessary evil, however, we encourage you to vaccinate because its the best we have for now & we will continue perfecting them for the future”

  11. This entire debate has gone crazy!
    Safety, efficacy and life saving techniques can not be determined by name calling.
    And all the nasty remarks and statements being issued does not prove vaccines are safe and save lives.
    The proof is in the pudding.
    If vaccines indeed save lives, less children should be dying…
    If vaccines actually save lives why is the infant mortality rate increasing??? Why is the infertility rate increasing??? Why do so many children die of cancer??? There are many questions to be answered.
    And no, Del Bigtree is not creating any anti-vaxxers, and neither is anyone speaking out as unfortunately there are few that listen until someone very near or dear to them die afetr a vaccine, or suffer a severe affect that is apparent to all (even the provax doctors) that it was caused by a vaccine. They should say it is 1 in a million.
    A provax doctor told me that “he doesn’t understand why people are skeptical and scared to vaccinate. Injuries are so rare, he only saw 4 adverse reactions to the MMR this past winter.” I am so happy for the doctor that he has 4 million children in his practice. That is true Mesiras Nefesh! He must be up round the clock and not get to breath as 4 million patients in a solo practice is quite an undertaking.
    I had similar conversations with many doctors, all of which said injuries are one in a million and admitted to somewhere between 1-3 or 4 injuries that are rare. If we make the math and calculate the amount of practices in Lakewood, and presumably they all have more than a million patients, we need to open many more schools as according to the math there should be millions of children out of school.

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