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Lebanese PM Calls Hizbullah Worse than Israel

In a somewhat dramatic statement, Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora announced that “Even Israel did not dare to do to Beirut what Hizbullah did,” calling the terrorist organization “worse than Israel.”

Sunday brought another day of heavy fighting between pro and anti government forces. Automatic weapons and rockets were used as the death toll continues to climb. According to reports from Lebanon, over 40 people have been killed in fighting since Hizbullah gunmen began a coup on Friday, taking over control of Western Beirut. Artillery fire during the day on Sunday was aimed at Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s arch enemy, Walid Jumblatt, leader of the Druze faction.

The Arab League on Sunday met in an emergency session following the Shiite gunmen taking up position in portions of the Lebanese capital, demanding Hizbullah withdraws its forces.

The Vatican has issued a statement calling for an immediate end to the fighting.

With Lebanon growing increasingly unstable, unable to elect a new president, Minister Chaim Ramon on Sunday told cabinet members that from Israel’s perspective, Lebanon should be viewed as a Hizbullah state.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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