“Not A Dry Eye” – Thousands Join Hachnasas Sefer Torah For Children Killed Last Year In Beitar Fire

Thousands of Beitar residents participated in a Hachnasas Sefer Torah on Tuesday evening in memory of the Ginsburg children killed in a fire a year ago.

The rabbanim of the city led the procession with the children’s father, R’ Reuven Ginsburg, as well as Beitar’s mayor, Meir Rubinstein. Also present was Rav Yigal Rosen, Rosh Yeshivah of Ohr Yisrael, who is R’ Reuven’s uncle.

A year ago, a fire broke out in the Ginsburg’s apartment when a nightlight exploded and fell on a bed. Three older children managed to escape the fire but the two youngest, Tzvi, 2, and Efrat, 4, perished in the fire. The family’s apartment was completely destroyed.

[MAZEL TOV! Triplets Born to The Ginzberg Family of Betar Illit That Lost Two Children in Fire]

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Tragically, Nothing shall ever bring back nor upend the tragedy and sadness of the demise of these 2 innocent tots. Not even a Sepher-Torah nor the birth of triplets. I refer you to the famous verse אל הנער הזה התפללתי recited by Channa vis a vis Shmuel

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