Beginning to Recite ותן טל ומטר in Eretz Yisrael on Monday Night in Maariv

On Monday night in Maariv, 7 Cheshvan, people in Eretz Yisroel begin reciting ותן טל ומטר in shmona esrei as they daven that the winter season in Eretz Yisrael will bring an abundance of rainfall, which will be a bracha for all, and not chas v’sholom the reverse.

That said, residents of chutz la’aretz only begin reciting ותן טל ומטר in December, in almost another month.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Needless to say, anyone physically present in Israel tonite commences to request ותן טל ומטר because it would be heartless to stand idly by fellow Jews in Israel who are requesting desperately needed rain, and not be משתתף עם הציבור.
    Of-course , after having commenced, a further הלכה goes into effect of אין-מפסיקין so have to continue thru all the way thru מנחה ערב פסח, even if/when return to diaspora, and even if before December 4th/5th.

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