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S. Chevron Residents Protest Sunday Morning

Residents of Southern Chevron Hills communities on Sunday and Friday mornings took to the streets, protesting the government-ordered planned removal of a military roadblock of PA motorists at K’vasim Junction in the area. The roadblock was set in place following a number of shooting attacks, some fatal.

The removal of the roadblock is part of the concessions and promises made to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Quartet Mideast envoy Tony Blair, as the White House and European Union continue to pressure Israel to make additional concessions to the Palestinian Authority.

According to area leader Tviki Bar-Chai, there have been fatal shooting attacks at the junction in the past prior to the roadblock and opening it to terrorists will signal them that they may once again operate freely in the area as well as facilitating their efforts to penetrate area Jewish communities to perpetrate attacks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


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